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发布时间:2024-07-12 21:29:26

[单选题]On the ground, when the flight crew switches ON the PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pb, which is correct?
A. TAT probes and pitot heating both operates at a low level
B. TAT probes are not heated and pitot heating operates at a low level
C. TAT probes and pitot heating both not heated

更多"[单选题]On the ground, when the flight"的相关试题:

[单选题]When use flight crew smoke hood (ensures the eyes and respiratory system protection of one flight crew member when fighting a fire and in case of smoke or noxious gas emissions or cabin depressurization), how to make oxygen flow?
A. We only need to take hood out of bag, and oxygen will automatically supply.
B. We must pull down short rope of Respiration Protection Air Bag
C. Mask will drop if you pull down overhead mask
[单选题]When encounter windshear, flight crew should inform ATC ASAP, reporting information should contain.
A.the increment/reduction of height and of speed when encounter windshear
B.number of passengers
C.Aircraft weight and fuel quantity
[单选题]On the ground, when does the data recording system automatically stop working?
A. after both engine shut down
B. 5 min after both engine shut down
C. when there is no AC power supply
[单选题]On the ground, when the aircraft is started to be energized, MCDU automatically displays_____
A. Initial page
B. data index page
C. aircraft status page
[单选题]How can the flight crew determine DU failure besides the blank screen with an “F” letter in amber?
A. a distorted display
B. a blank screen with the“INVALID DISPLAY UNIT” message in amber
C. both of the above
[单选题]If the flight crew performs an automatic approach without autoland, the autopilot must be disengaged no later than at ____.
A. 80ft AGL
B. 100ft AGL
C. 160ft AGL
[单选题]If the flight crew pushes and holds the autothrottle disconnect pushbutton for more than 15 seconds:
A. the A/THR functions (including ALPHA FLOOR)are lost for the remainder of the flight
B. there will be no influence (the action lasts too long)
C. the A/THR system is disconnected but can be recovered by engaging autopilot on the other side
[单选题]The flight crew uses the controls on the APU panel for routine shutdown. For emergency shutdown:
A. the flight crew can push the APU FIRE handle
B. the ground crew can push the APU SHUT OFF pushbutton on the interphone panel under thenose fuselage
C. both correct
[单选题]On ground, when WING ANTI ICE pb sw at ON position, what will happened?
A. Wing anti-icing control valves open 30s, then closed
B. Wing anti-icing control valves not open
C. Wing anti-icing control valves keep open
[单选题]In moderate to heavy rain, the flight crew can spray a rain repellent liquid on the windshield to improve visibility. After about 30 s, the windows are covered with spray. Rain repellent application on each side of the windshield is separate or not?
A. Yes
B. No
C. One side can connect to the other side
[单选题]If flight crew select ILS approach on MCDU, ILS message will be displayed on ND when the along track distance to destination is less than _____ nm
[单选题]How do you indicate the ground air crew to call the pilot in cockpit?
A. One ECAM information shows and a buzzer sounds
B. The MECH lights flash on pilot’s ACP and a buzzer sounds
C. The MECH lights flash on all ACPs and a buzzer sounds
[多选题]Flight crew could consult () for “passenger and crew carry dangerous goods related regulation”.
A.Flight Operation Manual dangerous goods transportation related chapter
B.Dangerous Goods Transportation Manual
C.Dangerous Goods Training Program
D.Dangerous Goods Related Accident Proneness Emergency Disposal Guide
[单选题]If, during the engine start, the ground crew reports a fuel leak from the engine drain mast, run the engine at idle for 5 min. If the leak disappears during these 5 min, ____.
A. the aircraft can be dispatched without maintenance action
B. the aircraft cannot be dispatched without maintenance action
C. the aircraft cannot fly
[单选题]In flight, when the autothust disconnect button is pressed for more than seconds, the autothrust function and alpha-floor protection are lost.
[单选题]Maximum flight altitude when flaps/slats extended is:
A. 15000ft
B. 18000ft
C. 20000ft
[单选题]During normal flight, when skin temperature is lower than +35 ℃, ventilation system of avionics bay control and cool the air temperature, the method is:
A. to increase the air which is from cockpit
B. to let air pass skin heat exchanger
C. to extract air outside
[单选题]In flight, when ram air turbine deploys automatically:
A. Blue system is pressurized but emergency engine does not work
B. Green system is pressurized and emergency engine works
C. Blue system is pressurized and emergency engine works
[单选题]In flight, when AP engages and autothrust functions, autothrust mode:
A. is selected on FCU by flight crew
B. depends on AP lateral modes
C. depends on AP vertical modes


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