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发布时间:2024-03-29 18:48:12

[单选题]Assume Russo's has a debt-equity ratio of .4 and uses the capital asset pricing model to determine its cost of equity. As a result, the company's cost of equity:
A. is affected by the firm's rate of growth projections.
B. implies that the firm pays out all of its earnings to its shareholders.
C. is dependent upon a reliable estimate of the market risk premium.
D. would be unaffected if the dividend discount model were applied instead.
E. will be unaffected by changes in overall market risks.
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cost of equity
Learning Objective: 14-01 Determine a firm's cost of equity capital.

更多"[单选题]Assume Russo's has a debt-equi"的相关试题:

[单选题]Assume you graph a project's net present value given various sales quantities. Which one of the following is correct regarding the resulting function?
A. The steepness of the function relates to the project's degree of operating leverage.
B. The steeper the function, the less sensitive the project is to changes in the sales quantity.
C. The resulting function will be a hyperbole.
D. The resulting function will include only positive values.
E. The slope of the function measures the sensitivity of the net present value to a change in sales quantity.
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sensitivity analysis
Learning Objective: 11-01 Perform and interpret a sensitivity analysis for a proposed investment.
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[单选题]4.The commodity in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is the commodity of its:
A.A.absolute disadvantage
B.B.absolute advantage
C.C.comparative disadvantage
D.D.comparative advantage
[单选题] Consider Figure 9.1. Assume Venture Company's formation yields new cost reductions, indicated by MC1=AC1, which result from wage concessions accepted by Venture Company employees. The net effect of Venture Company's formation on the welfare of the domestic economy is:
A. No change
B. Gain of $2
C. Loss of $2
D. Loss of $4
[判断题]BLER的全称是Block Error Ratio
[单选题] Suppose the average industry PE ratio for auto parts retailers is 20. What is the current price of Auto Zone stock if the retailer's earnings per share is projected to be $1.85?
A. $21.85
B. $37
C. $10.81
D. $9.25
[单选题]Assume that last year T-bills returned 2.8 percent while your investment in large-company stocks earned an average of 7.6 percent. Which one of the following terms refers to the difference between these two rates of return?
A. Risk premium
B. Geometric average return
C. Arithmetic average return
D. Standard deviation
E. Variance
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Risk premium
Learning Objective: 12-03 Discuss the historical risks on various important types of investments.
[单选题]The retention ratio can be computed as:
A. 1 − Plowback ratio.
B. Change in retained earnings/Cash dividends.
C. 1 + Dividend payout ratio.
D. (Change in retained earnings + Cash dividends./Net income.
E. 1 − (Cash dividends/Net income..
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Financial planning basics
Learning Objective: 04-01 Apply the percentage of sales method.
[单选题]Which ratio identifies the amount of total assets a firm needs in order to generate $1 in sales?
A. Return on assets
B. Equity multiplier
C. Retention ratio
D. Capital intensity ratio
E. Current ratio
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Asset management ratios
Learning Objective: 04-01 Apply the percentage of sales method.
[单选题] The PE ratio approach to valuing stock is especially useful for valuing
A. publicly held corporations.
B. firms that regularly pay dividends.
C. both A and B of the above.
D. neither A nor B of the above.
[单选题] A high price earnings ratio (PE. gives what interpretation?
A. The market expects earnings to fall in the future.
B. The market feels the firm's earnings are very high risk and are willing to pay a premium for them.
C. The market expects the earnings to rise in the future.
D. The firm is not paying a dividend.


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