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发布时间:2024-05-27 20:32:35

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Hair Care
Whether the hair is long or short,it must be regularly brushed and regularly washed.For greasy(油性的)hair , especially if the owner lives in a town , it may be necessary to wash the head every four to five days.Those with a dry hair can usually go a little longer,but this is a matter for the individual to decide.
As for style,this must be studied according to what is the latest fashion and also to suit the individual at different times of her life.If a woman is not able to go to hairdresser very often,it is important that she chooses a style she can easily manage for herself,and this nearly always means that the first cut must be very standard. The same applies to permanent waving(烫发).I think that this should be carried out three or four times a year,so that the hair never gets out of hand.
One thing would be remembered though,that is,whatever you apply to the head can have some effect upon the skin and therefore anything strong should be used with care.Or you may use milder products.
Young people who has spots or skin troubles on their face should take particular care to ensure that the hair is both clean and does not come into contact with the affected piece of skin.Hair is very difficult to keep completely clean and therefore anyone running their hands through their hair and afterwards touching their face,or letting their hair fall over their faces,might spread in- fection from one place to another.
Good hair does a lot to the effect of a face,so if you want to look charming,please start with your hair. The best hair style can be achieved by______.
A.having the hair done three or four times a year
B.following the latest fashion to suit one's age
C.not combing the hair with hand
D.not applying anything strong to the head

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[不定项选择题]共用题干 Hair Care
Whether the hair is long or short,it must be regularly brushed and regularly washed.For greasy(油性的)hair , especially if the owner lives in a town , it may be necessary to wash the head every four to five days.Those with a dry hair can usually go a little longer,but this is a matter for the individual to decide.
As for style,this must be studied according to what is the latest fashion and also to suit the individual at different times of her life.If a woman is not able to go to hairdresser very often,it is important that she chooses a style she can easily manage for herself,and this nearly always means that the first cut must be very standard. The same applies to permanent waving(烫发).I think that this should be carried out three or four times a year,so that the hair never gets out of hand.
One thing would be remembered though,that is,whatever you apply to the head can have some effect upon the skin and therefore anything strong should be used with care.Or you may use milder products.
Young people who has spots or skin troubles on their face should take particular care to ensure that the hair is both clean and does not come into contact with the affected piece of skin.Hair is very difficult to keep completely clean and therefore anyone running their hands through their hair and afterwards touching their face,or letting their hair fall over their faces,might spread in- fection from one place to another.
Good hair does a lot to the effect of a face,so if you want to look charming,please start with your hair. "Those with a dry hair can usually go a little longer" means if your hair is dry______.
A.you can walk longer
B.your hair can grow longer
C.you don't have to wash it so often
D.you can grow taller
[不定项选择题]共用题干 TV Shows and Long Bus Trips Long bus rides are like televisions shows.They have a beginning,a middlle,and an end-with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes.The commercials are unavoidable.They happen whether you want them or not.Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window.“Buy Super Clean Toothpaste.""Drink Good‘n’Wet Root Beer.""Fill up with Pacific Gas."Only if you sleep,which is equal to turning the television set off,are you spared the unending cry of"You Need It!Buy It Now!" The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting,even if you've traveled that way before.Usually some things have changed-new houses,new buildings,sometimes even a new road.The bus driver has a style of driving and it's fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so.If the driver is particularly reckless or daring,the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story.Will the driver pass the truck in time?Will the driver move into the right or the left-hand lane?After a while,of course,the excitement dies down.Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride.Food always makes bus rides more interesting.But you've got to be careful of what kind of food you eat.Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops. The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning.You know it will soon be over and there’s a kind of expectation and excitement in that.The seat,of course,has become harder as the hours have passed.By now you've sat with your legs crossed,with your hands in your lap,with your hands on the arm rests-even with your hands crossed behind your head.The end comes just at the right time.There are just no more ways to sit. The writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are______.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Long Bus Ride
Long bus rides are like television shows.They have a beginning,a middle,and an end-with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable.They happen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window."Buy Super Clean Toothpaste.""Drink Good'n Wet Root Beer.""Fill up with Pa-cific Gas."Only if you sleep,which is equal to turning the television set off,are you spared the unending cry of"You Need It!Buy It Now!"
The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting,even if you've traveled that way before .Usually some things have changed-new houses,new buildings,sometimes even a new road. The bus driver has a style of driving and it's fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so. If the driver is particularly reckless or daring,the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story. Will the driver pass the truck in time?Will the driver move into the right or the left-hand lane? After a while,of course,the excitement dies down.Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride .Food always makes bus rides more interesting. But you've got to be careful of what kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.
The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning. You know it will soon be over and there's a kind of expectation and excitement in that. The seat,of course,has become harder as the hours have passed.By now you've sat with your legs crossed,with your hands crossed behind your head.
The end comes just at the right time.There are just no more ways to sit. The writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are______.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 A和B都是某服装外贸公司的高级业务员。A年富力强,豁达开朗,口头禅是“鄙人有家有业,不愁吃不愁穿,只求有朝一日能实现儿时的梦想,独自驱车横穿撒哈拉沙漠,与非洲土著居民围着篝火唱歌跳舞”。B则精力充沛,办事风风火火,喜欢对人指手画脚,发号施令,一直渴望有朝一日能独当一面,到公司在某国的销售分公司担任领导职务。后来,公司在销售部内部公开选拔一名分公司经理,但分公司的条件、待遇都比总公司差。A和B均申请了突尼斯销售分公司经理的职务,但后来B认为自己能在与A的竞争中获胜的概率微乎其微,于是主动撤回了申请,A如愿以偿地到了非洲,一边开拓业务,一边体验风俗民情。 根据马斯洛需求层次理论,A的口头禅反映了A的()。


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