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发布时间:2024-05-18 23:59:57

[不定项选择题]资料:We all know that lack of sleep affects our memory along with other cognitive abilities. Sitting in the office sleep deprives it’s difficult to remember your own name, let along the ever-lengthening to-do list. But now new research shows that not getting enough sleep increases the chances your mind will actually create false memories. The study, published in Psychological Science, allowed one group of participants to get a full nights’ sleep while another had to stay up all night. In the morning they were given a series of photos that were supposed to show a crime being committed. Next, both groups were given some eyewitness statements about the crime. Like many witness statements in real-life crimes the details were different to those shown in the photographs. For example, in one instance the photo showed a thief putting a wallet in his jacket, but in the witness statement it said he put it in his pants(that's ‘trousers’ for British people not his underwear!). Afterwards they were asked what they had seen in the original photographs. The results showed that those who'd missed out on their sleep were the most likely to regurgitate the false eyewitness statements they'd just read rather than remembering the ‘true’ crime-scene photos they'd been shown moments beforehand. The lack of sleep had messed with their heads to the extent the all the evidence—right and wrong—had got mixed up. One of the study's authors, Kimberly Fenn, said:”People who repeatedly get low amounts of sleep every night could be more prone in the long run to develop these forms of memory distortion. It's not just a full night of sleep deprivation that puts them at risk. Indeed, a preliminary study they carried out found that getting just five hours sleep was enough to cause people to start manufacturing false memories. What is the independent variable in the study?
A.The memory distortion
B.The amount of sleep
C.The short-term memory
D.The ability to recall long list

更多"[不定项选择题]资料:We all know that lack of"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]资料:We all know that lack of sleep affects our memory along with other cognitive abilities. Sitting in the office sleep deprives it’s difficult to remember your own name, let along the ever-lengthening to-do list. But now new research shows that not getting enough sleep increases the chances your mind will actually create false memories. The study, published in Psychological Science, allowed one group of participants to get a full nights’ sleep while another had to stay up all night. In the morning they were given a series of photos that were supposed to show a crime being committed. Next, both groups were given some eyewitness statements about the crime. Like many witness statements in real-life crimes the details were different to those shown in the photographs. For example, in one instance the photo showed a thief putting a wallet in his jacket, but in the witness statement it said he put it in his pants(that's ‘trousers’ for British people not his underwear!). Afterwards they were asked what they had seen in the original photographs. The results showed that those who'd missed out on their sleep were the most likely to regurgitate the false eyewitness statements they'd just read rather than remembering the ‘true’ crime-scene photos they'd been shown moments beforehand. The lack of sleep had messed with their heads to the extent the all the evidence—right and wrong—had got mixed up. One of the study's authors, Kimberly Fenn, said:”People who repeatedly get low amounts of sleep every night could be more prone in the long run to develop these forms of memory distortion. It's not just a full night of sleep deprivation that puts them at risk. Indeed, a preliminary study they carried out found that getting just five hours sleep was enough to cause people to start manufacturing false memories. What is best title of this article?
A.Sleep and Photographic memory
B.Lack of Sleep Leading to Crimes
C.Sleep and Cognitive of human beings
D.Lack of Sleep Producing False Memory
[不定项选择题]资料A市甲股份有限公司(以下简称甲公司)成立于2006年3月,从事化工产品生产,是增值税的一般纳税人。2010年5月,甲公司召开董事会会议,拟审议通过下列事项:更换公司总经理和财务负责人,更换由职工代表担任的公司董事,修改公司章程的部分条款。2011年8月,甲公司经证券监督管理机构核准,开始向社会发行股票募集资金;同年12月,甲公司股票在证券交易所上市交易。2012年10月,甲公司董事刘某参加董事会会议期间,获悉本公司将收购乙上市公司的股份,可能对甲公司股价产生较大影响,于是立即电话通知朋友赵某买进甲公司股票。2013年1月,甲公司因排放污染物超标,被A市环保部门处以5万元罚款;甲公司对处罚决定不服,向人民法院提起行政诉讼。2013年5月,甲公司向小规模纳税人丙公司销售一批化工产品,开具的普通发票上注明的销售价款为58.5万元。 甲公司就销售给丙公司化工产品所取得的收入计算增值税时,销项税额为:
[不定项选择题]资料:In the business environment nearly all individuals within an organization will belong to one or more groups or teams. A team is a set of people with a range of different skills that will ideally have objectives that contribute to the overall corporate strategy of the business. They will usually have somebody who is identified as the team leader. The importance of teams that perform well cannot be underestimated. It is generally accepted by high achieving organizations that to be effective you need to . 1.create a motivated team 2.give team members a brief alongside objectives 3.appoint a leader of the team 4.manage the team 5.provide them with authority 6.monitor the progress of the team 7.ensure effective communications streams(lack of communication can be the one of the biggest issues and failures within organization.) The phrase 'two heads are better than one' helps to describe the purpose of teams. Teams provide an opportunity to share ideas and strengths and use a variety of viewpoints and experiences. A team provides individuals with a common purpose. They also have a common identity as they strive together towards a common goal. What is the feature of a team?
A.everyone in the team is equal in position.
B.everyone works in the same office.
C.every person in the team has different skills.
D.everyone works for the common goal.


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