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发布时间:2023-11-05 01:51:19

[单项选择]The reference to Mount Everest in Para. 9 differs from that in para. 10 in that the first reference is an example of ______.
A. (A) something easy to do, whereas the second reference is an example of something difficult
B. (B) goals that have been achieved in the past, whereas the second reference is an example of goals to be considered
C. (C) a tall mountain, whereas the second reference is an example of the tallest mountain
D. (D) something outlandish, whereas the second reference is an example of a goal worth pursuing

更多"The reference to Mount Everest in P"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Humanities curriculum differs from the scholastic education ______.
A. in the point that they had different assumptions of society
B. because humanists were not interested in the scholastic curriculum
C. for many of the humanists were townspeople
D. because they were different in religious beliefs
[单项选择]Modem linguistics differs from traditional grammar for it is mostly ______.
A. prescriptive.
B. descriptive.
C. subjective.
D. analytic.
[单项选择]Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar for it is mostly
A. prescriptive.
B. descriptive.
C. subjective.
D. analytic.
[单项选择]The Westinghouse Science Talent Search differs from traditional science contests in that ______.
A. it is an annual contest with the active participation of high school students
B. it lays emphasis on the professional quality of the projects
C. it is designed to search for the most promising students
D. it intends to find the best potential scientists
[单项选择]According to the author, competition differs from conflict in that ______.
A. it results in war in most cases
B. it induces efforts to expand territory
C. it is a kind of opposition among social entities
D. it is essentially a struggle for existence
[单项选择]The BBC dictionary differs from Oxford and Longman is that ______.
A. it has a wider selection of encyclopedic entries
B. it is mainly designed to meet the needs of radio listeners
C. it lays more emphasis on language than on culture
D. it is intended to help listeners develop their listening comprehension skills
[单项选择]The passage suggests that Canon law differs from Islamic law in that only canon law ______.
A. played a role in the direct confrontation between institutions vying for power
B. concerns itself with the duties of a person in regard to the community as a whole
C. was affected by the tension of the conflict between religion and state
D. developed in a political environment that did not challenge its fundamental existence
[单项选择]This kind of mowing machine differs from the other ______ it is more powerful.
A. in that
B. now that
C. so that
D. on condition that
[单项选择]The gold-exchange standard differs from the gold standard in that
A. it does not establish a generally accepted international medium of exchange.
B. it establishes no relationship between the value of a given currency and the value of gold.
C. the relationship it established between the value of any currency and the value of gold is indirect rather than direct.
D. it is a two-tiered rather than a single-tiered system.
[单项选择]The passage suggests that Quine's theory differs from that of linguistic expressivism in that Quine's theory does NOT
A. (A) emphasize the importance of so-called "constitutive activities"
B. (B) reject the notion that labor is the primary source of the category of meaning
C. (C) question that the products of labor are intelligible prior to the acquisition of language
D. (D) encourage the claim that outsiders, including researchers and laymen, can understand foreign cultures
E. (E) embrace certain basic premises of dialectical materialism
[单项选择]The DNA designed by Evan's technology differs strikingly from that synthesized by existing technology in that the former is characterized by its
A. desirable shape and length.
B. imitation of a living cell.
C. delicate but destructive power.
D. resistance to epidemics.
[单项选择]Country life differs from city life in that a sense of community generally ______ the inhabitants of small villages together.
A. combines
B. links
C. binds
D. ties
[多项选择]The TCP/IP network model differs from the more popular OSI model. Which of the layers below belong to the TCP/IP model?()
A. application layer
B. session layer
C. transport layer
D. internet layer
E. network layer
F. data link layer
G. physical layer
[填空题]Mountain Everest, the peak where is hardly seen, is the highest mountain in the world().
[单项选择]Before Rebecca climbed Everest, she worked as a ______
[单项选择]Noise differs from sound in that ______.
A. noise interferes with the task being done
B. noise is a special type of loud sound
C. noise is usually unavoidable in big cities
D. noise can be defined more precisely than sound


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