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发布时间:2023-10-14 00:57:47

[单项选择]The April edition ({{U}}covering{{/U}} copies, overseas deliveries and office cleaning) is now available.
A. recovering
B. telling
C. cutting
D. dealing with

更多"The April edition ({{U}}covering{{/"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Though the female has the undisputed last word over the acceptability of a new nest, it is the male weaver bird who must build it entirely
A. on his own
B. by his own
C. of his own
D. for his own
[单项选择]Information about cities, vegetation, and road overlying the terrain ______.
A. has to be eliminated before correct readings can be obtained
B. would be impossible to convert to data that a computer would accept
C. might lead to new applications and improve effectiveness of present uses
D. would make ray tracing obsolete
[多项选择]What are two enhancements that OSPFv3 supports over OSPFv2? ()
A. It requires the use of ARP.
B. It can support multiple IPv6 subnets on a single link.
C. It supports up to 2 instances of OSPFv3 over a common link.
D. It routes over links rather than over networks.
[单项选择]According to the author, the possibility of an overjustification effect may suggest ______.
A. some so-called good people may not be intrinsically good
B. all good people are intrinsically good
C. some people are more resistant to extrinsic factors
D. some people may be good for the sake of being good itself
[单项选择]()is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines.
A. Keyboard
B. Modem
C. Mouse
D. Printer
[单项选择]A metro Ethernet user is connected using a PPP over Ethernet service.How many Layer 2 headers are attached to each IP datagram?()
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
[单项选择] The router receives a login request from a PPP over ATM client and examines the domain map for the client's domain. The router finds no entries currently configured within the domain map. What does the router do with the login request?()
A. The router rejects it.
B. The router tunnels it via L2TP.
C. The router authenticates it locally.
D. The default virtual router authenticates it.
[单项选择]According to the passage, in the 18th century, overweight was taken as ______.
A. a sign of good health
B. a sign of stupidity
C. a sign of risk
D. a sign of beauty
[单项选择]It was raining hard, but by the time class was over, the rain __________.
A. stopped
B. would stop
C. had stopped
D. might have stopped
[单项选择]The news()he had landed on the moon spread all over the world.
A. which
B. that
C. what
D. as
[单项选择]Mild electric current had been thought to______overactive brain regions that cause disease, but in some cases, it may boost nerves' activity and change their firing patterns.
A. (A) elucidate
B. (B) damage
C. (C) alter
D. (D) stifle
E. (E) confuse
[单项选择]With its anti-terrorism campaign taking ______ over anything else, the government is extending its job and running in more affairs.
A. superiority
B. priority
C. majority
D. polarity
[单项选择]Both sides refused any ______ in their dispute over the terms of the contract.
A. assurance
B. consideration
C. intervention
D. supervision
[单项选择]______ native to China, tea has now spread all over the word and enjoys a good reputation.
A. In spite of
B. That it is
C. It was
D. Although
[单项选择]Enclosed please find two copies of Sales Contract No 011345, which we trust () in order.
A. will be found
B. will find
C. to find
D. to be found
[单项选择]Unlike photocopies of books, the digital copies are virtually ______ in quality to the original.
A. similar
B. identical
C. resembling
D. alike


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