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发布时间:2024-01-14 00:35:14

[单项选择]Dr. Richard will come to explain______.
A. us for the problem
B. us the problem
C. the problem to us
D. for us the problem

更多"Dr. Richard will come to explain___"的相关试题:

[单项选择]This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most ______boxer in England.
A. renowned
B. noted
C. infamous
D. eminent
[单项选择]A creative young Englishman named Richard Blechynden created
A. Coca-Cola.
B. Chocolate Chip Cookies.
C. Ice Cream Cones.
D. Iced Tea.
A. Richard作为领事官员,免除作证义务
B. Richard作为领事官员,虽然免除作证义务,但派遣国同意其出庭作证时,Richard应出庭作证
C. Richard就该交通事故不得拒绝作证,如果其拒绝,甲国法院可以依照本国法强制其出庭作证或对其予以处罚
D. Richard就该交通事故不得拒绝作证,但如果其拒绝,甲国法院也不得对其施以强制或处罚
[单项选择]City police Sunday arrested former Mayor Richard Weekly on a long list of bribery, official misconduct, fraud, and corruption charges.
A. deceit
B. murder
C. privilege
D. accident
[单项选择]Richard Brinsley Sheridan's has been called a great comedy of manners.
A. The Rivals
B. The Duenna
C. The Critic
D. The School for Scandal
[单项选择]According to Richard Freeman, the fast development of some developing countries______.
A. places great pressure on capital markets
B. intensifies the competition in labor markets
C. deprives the developed countries of some profits
D. hinders the global expansion of developed countries
[单项选择]Who wrote and publish Poor Richard's AImanack
A. Benjamin Franklin.
B. John Gay.
C. David Hume.
D. Samuel Richardson.
[单项选择]The people in the room laughed at Richard because ______.
[单项选择]Richard was wearing his usual baseball hat with a sweet smile.
A. 理查德戴着平时的棒球帽,上面印有甜蜜的笑脸。
B. 理查德戴上平时的棒球帽就发出甜蜜的微笑。
C. 理查德戴着平时的棒球帽,甜蜜地微笑着。
D. 理查德穿戴平常,总是笑容向人。
[单项选择]Richard Cramer was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his ______ on the effects of war on individuals in the Middle East.
A. commentary
B. communication
C. assertion
D. declaration
[单项选择]Poor Richard.s Almanac contained().
A. many proverbs
B. Franklin.s autobiography
C. voyages to the new land
D. climates and crops
[单项选择]To say that Richard Outcault had been "lured away from" the World by Hearst means which of the following
A. Hearst fired Outcault from the World.
B. Hearst warned Outcault not to leave the World.
C. Hearst convinced Outcault to leave the World.
D. Hearst wanted Outcault to work for the World.
[单项选择]According to researchers, Richard Nixon's death was _______.
[单项选择]It can be inferred that Richard Feynman has been ______ now.
A. dead
B. decent
C. prominent
D. popular

Richard Satava, program manager fur’ advanced medical technologies, has been a driving force in bringing virtual reality to medicine, where computers create a "virtual" or simulated environment for surgeons and other medical practitioners (从业者). "With virtual reality we’ll be able to put a surgeon in every trench," said Satava. He envisaged a time when soldiers who are. wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers.
The computers would transmit images of the soldiers to surgeons back in the U. S. The surgeons would look at the soldier through virtual reality helmets (头盔) that contain a small screen displaying the image of the wound. The doctors would guide robotic instruments in the battlefield mobile surgical units that operate on the soldier.
Although Satava’s vision may be years away from standard operating procedure, scientists are progressing to- ward virtual reality surgery. Engineers
A. cause less pain to the wounded
B. allow the patient to recover more quickly
C. will make human surgeons' work less tedious
D. are done by robot surgeons with greater precision


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