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发布时间:2024-01-19 04:46:39

[单项选择]He promised that he would ______ to get us two tickets of the soccer game.
A. manage
B. fulfil
C. accomplish
D. succeed

更多"He promised that he would ______ to"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He doesn' t want to get married because he is afraid of any ______.
A. committee
B. contamination
C. commemoration
D. commitments
[单项选择]After two years he received the certificate of the college for ______ in chemistry.
A. proficiency
B. diversion
C. immersion
D. involvement
[单项选择]He should ______ be allowed to get up until he has completely recovered from his illness.
A. in case
B. in any case
C. in that case
D. in no case
[单项选择]He should______be allowed to get up until he has completely recovered from his illness.
A. in some cases
B. in any case
C. in case
D. in no case
[单项选择]If the manager had to choose between the two, he would say John was choice.
A. good
B. the best
C. better
D. the better
[单项选择]He was given two alternatives and he preferred the ______ to the latter.
A. previous
B. prior
C. former
D. initial
[单项选择]The first two paragraphs tell us a true story of ______.
A. international cooperation via the Internet
B. how dangerous thallium can be to humans
C. how one can get help from the Internet
D. the girl’s recovery from thallium poisoning
[单项选择]When Mr. Johns get old, he will () over his business to his son.
A. take
B. hand
C. think
D. get
[单项选择]The last two paragraphs tell us about_____.
[单项选择]He had two houses. He lived with his wife and child in the outer house,______was comfortable and clean.
A. which
B. that
C. it
D. where
[单项选择]The doctor promised that this medicine would ______ the pain in the stomach.
A. affirm
B. agitate
C. alleviate
D. allocate
[单项选择]Although he thought he was helping us to prepare the dinner, he was actually______ the way.
A. in
B. off
C. by
D. on
[单项选择]The last two paragraphs tell us ____________.A. to put a paper cover on a library bookB. library books must be taken care of at homeC. taking more care of library books
[单项选择]He told us ______ he had done.
A. that all
B. all that
C. all which
D. what all


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