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发布时间:2023-10-27 00:13:19

[单项选择]The parents always kept the little girl out when the father was painting women without any clothes on, because ______.

更多"The parents always kept the little "的相关试题:

[填空题]When things aren't going well, my parents always () (鼓励)me, telling me not to give up.
[单项选择]My parents always buy ______my birthday.
A. anything nice to
B. anything nice for
C. something nice to
D. something nice for
[单项选择]When the little girl stood in front of the classroom, her face ______ red.
[单项选择]When the little girl got back her answer sheet,she could not help ______ .
A. from crying
B. to cry
C. herself from crying
D. crying
[单项选择]My parents always let me have my own ______ of living.
A. way
B. method
C. manner
D. fashion
[单项选择]When the little girl awoke, she found herself _______ by a group of soldiers.
A. surround
B. be surrounded
C. being surrounded
D. being surrounding
[单项选择]The little girl could not ______ her tears when her mother was dressing the wound.
A. hold out
B. hold up
C. hold back
D. hold forth
[单项选择]The little girl could not______ her tears when her mother was dressing the wound.
A. hold out
B. hold up
C. hold back
D. hold forth
[单项选择]There is little learning involved when one is reprimanded two or three months after the deed.
A. recommended
B. reproached
C. recompensed
D. reversed
[单项选择]This little girl has a particular liking for chocolate. Whenever she sees it, she will snatch a bar and enjoy it to her heart's content.
A. 这个小姑娘特别喜欢吃巧克力,无论什么时候见到巧克力,她都会抓起一块大口大口地吃起来。
B. 这个小姑娘喜欢吃巧克力,只要见到巧克力,她都会抓起一块心满意足地吃起来。
C. 这个小姑娘特别喜欢吃巧克力,无论什么时候见到巧克力,她都会抓起一块心满意足地吃起来。
D. 这个小姑娘喜欢吃巧克力的程度是,只要见到巧克力,她都会抢过来心满意足地吃起来。

I have kept that portrait when I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in Cambridge.()

A. which
B. where
C. that
D. whether
[单项选择]The little girl showed the policeman the corner ________she was knocked off her bike.
A. and
B. which
C. that
D. where
[单项选择]The little girl was so frightened that she just wouldn't ______ her grip on my ann.
A. loosen
B. remove
C. relieve
D. dismiss


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