发布时间:2023-09-28 10:27:35

[单项选择]“there is a will, is a way” is a famous saying known to us.
A. That; there
B. Where; where
C. Where; here
D. Where; there

更多"“there is a will, is a way” is a fa"的相关试题:

[单项选择]By saying "life has a way of throwing these curve balls at us", the author means ______.
A. life is full of miseries and misfortunes
B. things and people that you feel so comfortable with do not last for good and are destined to change
C. life is full of changes and these changes cannot be avoided
D. life is full of surprises
[单项选择]Why do Americans try to use a short way of saying
[单项选择]By saying "Put it this way: he shouldn't be buying any Duke sweatshirts or renting any apartment in Durham" (Lines 2-3, the last Para. ), Jim Gray most probably means that ______.
A. this applicant concerned would not pay fees for clothes
B. this applicant concerned would pay rents for themselves
C. this applicant concerned would not be admitted
D. this applicant concerned would be charged free
[单项选择]"Santa Claus'is another way of saying ______.
[单项选择]By saying "...we're going to look the other way in terms of what our laws are" (Line 2, para. 4), Mayor Anderson means " ______".
A. we will turn a blind eye to your illegal status
B. we will examine the laws in a different way
C. there are other ways of enforcing the law
D. the existing laws must not be ignored
A. 31.6克
B. 24克
C. 48克
D. 24.5克
[单项选择]已知KNO3在不同温度下的溶解度如下表。若把溶质的质量分数为30%的KNO3溶液由50 ℃逐渐冷却,则开始析出晶体的温度范围是( )。   温度(℃) 0 10 20 30 40   溶解度(克) 13.3 20.9 31.6 45.8 63.9
A. 0 ℃-10 ℃
B. 10 ℃-20 ℃
C. 20 ℃-30 ℃
D. 30 ℃-40 ℃
[单项选择]The indigenous inhabitants of New Zealand are known as ______.
A. the Abyssinians
B. the Maori
C. the Aboriginal people
D. the Attimewk
[单项选择]The study of language acquisition is generally known as ______.
A. theoretical linguistics
B. psycholinguistics
C. applied linguistics
D. historical linguistics
[单项选择]Swift invented famous ______ in his world famous Gulliver’s Travels.
A. Lilliput
B. Brobdingag
C. Celestial city
D. Morality Pool
[单项选择]Swift invented famous ______in his world famous Gulliver' s Travels.
A. Lilliput
B. Brobdingag
C. Celestial city
D. Morality Pool
[单项选择]What can be concluded when the current tide of knowledge revolution ebbs
A. Productivity will rise.
B. Productivity will receive no impact.
C. Population growth will slow down.
D. Population growth will become accelerated.
[单项选择]From the development history of the toy we can know that ______.
A. it was the first product that appeared in an advertisement on TV
B. it was entirely made of plastic in 1960
C. many forms of it have been designed before 1982
D. it is not one kind of toy any more at last


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