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发布时间:2023-10-29 04:48:14

[单项选择]The following material can be used to design costume EXCEPT______.
A. cardboard
B. blanket
C. sheet
D. plastic

更多"The following material can be used "的相关试题:

[单项选择]All of the following material can be absorbed directly by the surface absorptive cell of the intestines EXCEPT
A. water
B. monosaccharide
C. free fatty acids
D. ions
E. small peptides
[单项选择]Under-used computer equipment can proliferate in large companies without a system to {{U}}monitor{{/U}} purchasing.
A. know
B. order
C. screen
D. watch
[单项选择]Which operational mode command can be used to synchronize the local system time with an NTP server?()
A. set ntp time
B. set clock ntp
C. set time
D. set date ntp
[单项选择]Elephants can be used to do some heavy jobs because______.
[单项选择]Which of the following tools can be used prior to installing Windows Vista to find hardware compatibility issues?()
A. Upgrade Advisor
B. Window Aero
C. Task Manager
D. Device Manager
[单项选择]Configuration management system can be used in defining approval levels for authorizing changes and providing a method to validate approved changes.(74) is not a project configuration management tool.
A. Rational Clearcase
B. Quality Function Deployment
C. Visual SourceSafe
D. Concurrent Versions System
[填空题]Encyclopedias can be used to acquire knowledge in any field,to obtain informations on a particular subject,or to deal with other academic questions.
[多项选择]Which three approaches can be used while migrating from an IPV4 addressing scheme to an IPV6 scheme?()
A. statically map IPV4 address to IPV6 addresses
B. configuration IPv4 tunnels between IPV6 islands
C. use DHCPv6 to map IPV4 addresses to IPV6 addresses
D. use proxying and translation to translate IPV6 packets into IPV4 packets
E. configure IPV6 directly
F. enable dual-stack routing
[单项选择]C++ is used with proper()design techniques.
A. object-oriented
B. object-based
C. face to object
D. face to target
[单项选择]It can not be used before( )
A. inspect
B. insoected
C. being inspected
D. inspecting
[单项选择]TV, if properly used, can ______ a child's imagination.
A. arise
B. incite
C. invoke
D. stimulate
[单项选择]A robot can be used to expand our frontiers when ______.
A. its intelligence and cost are beyond question
B. it is able to bear the rough environment
C. it is made as complex as the human brain
D. its architecture is different from that of the present ones
[单项选择]Which of the following can be used to insert a new line below the current line inside a vi session?()
A. o
B. a
C. p
D. A
[单项选择]Which of the following can be best used as the title of the passage
A. Retired People.
B. Retirement Centers.
C. The Increase of Aging Population.
D. A Demographic Trend.
[单项选择]HIV can be safely used to cure cancer only if the deadly genes have been removed.
[单项选择]The energy gained from the sun can then be used during the hight to enable the necessary chemi-cal reactions to _______ in his body.
A. conduct
B. proceed
C. progress
D. practice
[单项选择]The smallest linguistic unit that can be used independently is ______.
A. morpheme
B. phoneme
C. minimal pair
D. word
[单项选择]Computer games can be used to help children develop their reading skills.


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