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发布时间:2023-10-31 03:53:06

[单项选择]The subject for the survey is ______.
A. "Who are more trustful British husbands, Italian husbands or Danish husbands"
B. "Who does the housework at home "
C. "How many women do the housework "
D. "Who are more hardworking, wives or husbands "

更多"The subject for the survey is _____"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The survey found that
A. most Japanese had good or relatively good impressions of China.
B. the bilateral relationship was perceived as being improved over last year by the majority of respondents from the both countries.
C. an overwhelming majority of the respondents from each country believed that the Civil exchanges were an important way to improve relations.
D. The territorial issue ranked among the top list of common concerns that people in both countries want their leaders to talk about in bilateral meetings.
[单项选择]What does the survey indicate
A. UK university students are increasingly satisfied with their living conditions.
B. UK university students are less and less energetic.
C. UK university students demand higher qualities of their living conditions.
D. UK university students pay less and less attention to their studies.
[单项选择]Who are the subjects of the survey
A. Some oversea students in UK.
B. Some undergraduates and postgraduates in UK universities.
C. Some graduates in UK universities.
D. Some British students in other countries.
[单项选择]The extensive survey suggested that their assumptions ______totally wrong.
A. were
B. be
C. was
D. would be
[单项选择]The survey results suggest that the largest increase in substance use was ______.
A. alcohol
B. marijuana
C. cigarettes
D. cocaine
[单项选择]The survey has produced the first national estimate of below ______ . standard houses de rived from consistently applied methods.
A. credible
B. controllable
C. tolerable
D. perceivable
[单项选择]The extensive survey suggested 'that their assumptions () totally wrong.
A. were
B. be
C. was
D. would be
[单项选择]The survey conducted by Ben suggested that people ______. regretted most having not got more education.
A. who hoped to teach
B. who were not content with their own way of living
C. who were proud of their social positions
D. who had quitted high schools too early
[单项选择]It can be inferred from the latest survey that
A. hospital teaching across the country is similar.
B. each hospital has at least one part-time teacher.
C. all hospitals surveyed offer education to children.
D. only one-fourth of the hospitals have full-time teachers.
[单项选择]According to the survey, if Englishmen expects prices to go up, they will______.
A. spend less
B. buy only what they need
C. buy more
D. postpone buying
[单项选择]The results of the survey are interesting and they ______ more questions than they can answer.
A. bring about
B. prohibit
C. project
D. benefit from
[单项选择]The survey asked 750 school children about the values and beliefs they ______ from television.
A. pick up
B. take up
C. put up
D. make up
[单项选择]A survey has shown that Americans believe Kansas is()visited by foreign tourists than other states.
A. rarely
B. never
C. fewer
D. less
[单项选择]A survey earlier this year found that about 50 percent of South Americans think that "most" or "almost all" government officials are involved in______.
A. robbery
B. violation
C. corruption
D. stealing
[单项选择]A recent survey suggested that if money were not an issue, most mothers ______not to work at all.
A. would prefer
B. prefer
C. should prefer
D. preferred


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