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发布时间:2023-10-11 06:20:58

[单项选择]A new president in America is elected every ______.
A. five years
B. six years
C. four years
D. three years

更多"A new president in America is elect"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The first American president elected from the Republican Party was ______.
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. James Monroe
C. James Madison
D. Abraham Lincoln
[单项选择]The only American president elected for a third term is ____________.
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Franklin Roosevelt
D. Ronald Reagan
[单项选择]Mandela was ______ first President elected in ______ South Africa.
A. a; the
B. the; x
C. a; x
D. the; the
[单项选择]Abraham Lincoln was elected President as candidate of()
A. the Democratic Party
B. the Republican Party
C. the Whig Party
D. None of the above
[单项选择]The newly elected president has pledged $13 million to the automobile industry for its survival.
A. prepared
B. promised
C. disposed
D. delivered
[单项选择]When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the southern states broke away and formed a new nation called ______.
A. the Southern States of America
B. the Federalist States of America
C. the Confederate States of America
D. the Anti-confederate States of America
[单项选择]The newly - elected President says the election was ______ compliance with the law.
A. spacious
B. sophisticated
C. substantial
D. steady
[判断题]Semantization means that every new word should be presented in such a way that its meaning becomes clear to the learner.()
[单项选择]The President of the United States is elected()
A. indirectly by the electors
B. by Congress
C. directly by the voters
D. None of the above
[单项选择]George W. Bush was re-elected President of the United States as candidate of______.
A. the Democratic Party
B. the Republic Party
C. the Labor Party
D. the Conservative Party
[单项选择]The newly-elected president is determined to ______ the established policy of developing agriculture.
A. go for
B. go on
C. go by
D. go up
[单项选择]The primary reason that President Bush starts new education reforms is that ______.
A. more children will achieve success in school and in life due to the reforms
B. the greatest changes have taken place in education in a generation
C. these reforms may help him win the next presidential election
D. he has no excuse for failing the children to go to a better school
[单项选择]Every new member should promise to ___________ the spirit of corporation and strive to realize individual value.
A. tangle with
B. adhere to
C. devote to
D. match with
[单项选择]I am disappointed with the new officers elected in our club , but there is no point ______ about it.
A. to worry
B. in worrying
C. for us worrying
D. with us to worry
[单项选择]They elected Bush______President of ______ United States of America.
A. a, the
B. a, an
C. /, the
D. the, /
[单项选择]I'm disappointed with the new officers elected in our club, but there is no point _________ about it.
A. to worry
B. in worrying
C. with us worrying
D. if we worry


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