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发布时间:2023-10-08 20:43:16

[单项选择]Make sure the door is()shut before you leave.
A. lastly
B. soundly
C. fast
D. sound

更多"Make sure the door is()shut before "的相关试题:

[单项选择]I hope you _____ all the material before you make the final decision.
A. will have read
B. will be read
C. will be reading
D. would have read
[单项选择]The writer's advice about alcohol before you make a speech is to take one or two drinks so as to give yourself some confidence.
[单项选择]You may make good grades by studying only before examinations, but you will succeed eventually only by studying hard every day.
A. in due course
B. in the long run
C. in the main
D. in the first place
[单项选择]Before you start to make the cake, gather up all the necessary ______ and put them on the table in the kitchen.
A. factors
B. cosmetics
C. varieties
D. ingredients
[单项选择]Have you shut the windows
[单项选择]______ at the door before you come into the room.
A. Hit
B. Knock
C. Touch
D. Strike
[单项选择]Don't forget ______the door when you leave the classroom.
[单项选择]"The door to his room is always shut" suggests that the son ______.
[单项选择]--Tom, you make bed before breakfast,______.--All right, mum.
[单项选择]Woman: Are you sure you cleaned your car thoroughly You want to impress the boss. Man: I'd better double check to be sure. Question: What will the man probably do next
A. Have the boss drive another car.
B. Ask the woman to help him clean the car.
C. Check the car to see if it runs well.
D. Make sure that his car is clean.
[单项选择]You should make sure that you have not ______ any detail in the design.
A. disappeared
B. thrown
C. delivered
D. neglected
[单项选择]While logged into a router you manually shut down the serial 0 interface using the "shutdown" interface configuration command. You then issue the "show interface serial 0" command in exec mode. What could you expect the status of the serial 0 interface to be?()
A. Serial 0 is up, line protocol is up
B. Serial 0 is up, line protocol is down
C. Serial 0 is down, line protocol is down
D. Serial 0 is down, line protocol is up
E. Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is down
F. Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is up
[单项选择]Dial direct when you can, and to be sure you call when Americans are in their offices, use the {{U}}schedule{{/U}} at the left.
A. table
B. paper
C. notice
D. advertisement
[单项选择]I am sure you would have seen her if you () that evening.
A. had turned out
B. had turned on
C. had turned in
D. had turned up
[单项选择]What preparations did Thomas make before he started his business
A. He stayed at home
B. He borrowed money from a bank.
C. He made investigations and drew up a plan
D. He wrote a book.


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