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发布时间:2023-10-20 04:29:09

[单项选择]My dress doesn't fit me around the neck()right.
A. quite
B. barely
C. nearly
D. rather

更多"My dress doesn't fit me around the "的相关试题:

[单项选择]It's a very satisfactory hat,()it doesn't fit me.
A. except that
B. except
C. that
D. except for
[单项选择]Because he doesn't like me for no reason, he ______ me whenever we meet.
A. overlooks
B. ignores
C. neglects
D. refuses
[单项选择]My classmate asked me
[单项选择]My parents, my aunt and my uncle ()gave me a present on my birthday.
A. each
B. every
C. either
[单项选择]My parents, my aunt and my uncle ()sent me a gift on New Year's Day.
A. each
B. every
C. either
[单项选择]My mother bought me a new pair of pants on my birthday ______ she had promised.
A. which
B. what
C. with
D. as
[单项选择]my friend told me that( )
A. the English language is difficult
B. English is difficult
C. the English is difficult
D. what English is difficult
[单项选择]Let me reiterate my point.
A. repeat
B. revise
C. review
D. report
[单项选择]My mother likes TV,but she doesnt like it now.
A. to watch; watching
B. watching; to watch
C. to watch; to watch
D. watching; watching
[单项选择]My sister often helps me ______ my homework.
[单项选择]My friend told me that ().
A. the English language is difficult
B. English is difficult
C. the English is difficult
D. what English is difficult

He doesn't often agree with me. He thinks different from me.()

A. different to
B. different with
C. differently from
D. differently to
[单项选择]My parents gave me a ______ watch for my birthday.
A. gold French modem
B. modem French gold
C. French gold modem
D. French modem gold
[单项选择]The fact that something is cheap doesn't ______ mean it is of low quality.
A. necessarily
B. especially
C. essentially
D. practically
[单项选择]My parents always let me have my own ______ of living.
A. way
B. method
C. manner
D. fashion
[单项选择]My teacher speaks to me ______she were my mother.
A. even though
B. if
C. even if
D. as if
[单项选择]Sorry I never drink milk; it doesn’t _____ me.
A. agree to
B. agree on
C. agree with
D. agree about
[单项选择]______ me the keys—you're in no fit state to drive.
A. To give
B. Giving
C. Give
D. Given


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