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发布时间:2023-10-02 13:22:55

[单项选择]Although often extremely critical of the medical profession as a whole, people are rarely willing to treat their personal doctors with equal ______.
A. impulse
B. sarcasm
C. mockery
D. contempt

更多"Although often extremely critical o"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Although often extremely critical of the medical profession as a whole, people are rarely willing to treat their personal doctors with equal ______.
A. impulse
B. sarcasm
C. mockery
D. contempt
[单项选择]Although he is often tired______his courses, he is never tired______his lessons. In fact, he enjoys them.
A. of; with
B. with; from
C. with; of
D. at; with
[单项选择]Some medical conditions can often cure themselves______, without medical intervention.
A. deliberately
B. spontaneously
C. consciously
D. intentionally
[单项选择]Although he often goes to school late, ______ he does well in all subjects.
A. yet
B. but
C. also
D. and
[单项选择]Although he was generally considered an extremely ______individual, his testimony at the trial revealed that he had been very ______.
A. (A) intrepid...valiant
B. (B) guileless...hypocritical
C. (C) abstemious...temperate
D. (D) meek...timorous
E. (E) ingenuous...obtuse
[单项选择]Although his work was often ______ and _____ ; he was promoted anyway, simply because he had been with the company longer than anyone else.
A. negligent … creative
B. incomplete ... imprecise
C. predictable … careful
D. forceful ... extraneous
[单项选择]Men often wait longer to get help for medical problems than women, and ______, women live about six years longer than men on an average.
A. instead of
B. constantly
C. consequently
D. because
[单项选择]Medical scientists believe that
A. tests have been designed to settle the cholesterol dispute
B. drugs have been tested to reduce the amount of the substance in blood
C. low cholesterol foods or anti-cholesterol drugs or both can reduce the chance of a heart attack
D. none of the statements mentioned above is correct
[单项选择]More often than not, early marriage will often______.
[单项选择]Assumptions are important for critical readers because they can help readers to ______.
A. grasp the topic exactly
B. understand the argument passage exactly
C. evaluate the argument passage
D. compare the argument passage with similar argument passages
[单项选择]A physician with medical license
[单项选择]Using extremely different decorating schemes in adjoining rooms may result in ______ and lack of unity in style.
A. disharmony
B. confrontation
C. disturbance
D. conflict
[单项选择]Although economists have traditionally considered the district to be solely an agricultural one, the ______ of the inhabitants' occupations makes such a classification obsolete.
A. productivity
B. diversity
C. predictability
D. stability
[单项选择]The author is obviously critical of President Clinton for______.
A. his handling the matter in a wrong perspective
B. his failing to match his words with his actions
C. his lacking historical knowledge about the WTO
D. his overemphasizing the economic role of the WTO
[单项选择]To help students develop their critical thinking, professors mainly teach them ______.
A. choice of their premises
B. the way to think independently
C. skills of drawing conclusions
D. different kinds of arguments


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