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发布时间:2024-04-08 01:28:34

[单项选择]Although he often goes to school late, ______ he does well in all subjects.
A. yet
B. but
C. also
D. and

更多"Although he often goes to school la"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Although he often goes to school late, ______ he does well in all subjects.
A) yet C) but
B) also D) and
[单项选择]He often goes to school by bike ______ it rains.
A. besides
B. except
C. except that
D. except when
[单项选择]He often goes to ______ school by ______ bike.
A. the; 不填
B. 不填; 不填
C. 不填; a
D. the; the
[单项选择]This businesswoman often goes camping while normally she finds a softer place to rest her head, namely, in good hotels.
A. above all
B. at least
C. that is
D. of course
[单项选择]______ he goes, he'll meet someone begging for money.
A. No matter wherever
B. Wherever
C. Where
D. Somewhere
[单项选择]Whenever be goes, he readily accommodates to new circumstances.
A. finds a lodging in
B. makes a close study of
C. provides lodging for
D. adapts himself to
[单项选择]He was late this morning. He ______very late.
A. should have got up
B. would have got up
C. must have got up
D. could have got up
[单项选择]He goes shopping so frequently not because he is rich, but because he enjoys ______ politely.
A. speaking
B. being spoken to
C. being spoken
D. speaking to
[单项选择]He got home two hours late and said he had been ______ in the office by business.
A. detached
B. detained
C. obstructed
D. obsessed
[单项选择]He was late for the class today because he didn't run ______ catch the bus.
A. enough fast to
B. fast enough to
C. fast enough
D. enough fast
[单项选择]When Mr. Brown comes home late, he usually wakes his wife up.
[单项选择]He used to stay up very late,but now he has got used to going to bed early.
A. 他习惯于熬夜很晚,但现在已经习惯很早上床睡觉了。
B. 他过去常常熬夜很晚,但现在已经习惯很早上床睡觉了。
C. 他过去习惯熬夜很晚,但现在不得不很早上床睡觉。
D. 他过去熬夜很晚,但现在已经习惯很早就上床睡觉了。
[单项选择]He is constantly late, and ill-prepared when he does finally arrive. He is jeopardizing his future.
A. developing
B. endangering
C. assuring
D. destroying

He doesn't often agree with me. He thinks different from me.()

A. different to
B. different with
C. differently from
D. differently to
[单项选择]He is accustomed ______ late on weekends for he has the habit of working at night.
A. to sit up
B. to sitting up
C. at sitting up
D. for sitting up


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