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发布时间:2023-10-10 12:33:44

[单项选择]The presence of armed guards ______ us from doing anything disruptive.
A. defeated
B. irritated
C. prevented
D. encouraged

更多"The presence of armed guards ______"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The presence of armed guards ______ us from doing anything disruptive.
A. defeated
B. irritated
C. prevented
D. encouraged
[单项选择]When doing business in the US, you should take the following considerations into().
A. adventure
B. account
C. advice
D. ambition
[单项选择]Which of the following line is from the US official national anthem
[单项选择]Air-conditioning can protect us from the extreme hot.
A. 空调在酷热天保护我们。
B. 空调可使我们免受酷热之苦。
C. 空调使我们遭受酷热之苦。
D. 空调保护使我们遭受酷热之苦。
[单项选择]A large bird was watching us intently from the top of a ______ van.
A. stationing
B. stationed
C. stationery
D. stationary
[单项选择]The light from the earth makes it possible for us to be able to see the parts of the moon which would otherwise be dark.
A. 来自地球的光使我们能够明白月球上的一些地方是暗的。
B. 来自地球的光使月球上的一些地方成为亮的,另外一些地方是暗的。
C. 来自地球的光使我们能够看到月球上的一些地方,但是月亮的另一部分是黑暗的。
D. 来自地球的光使我们能够看到月球上的一些地方。否则的话,这些地方是黑暗的。
[单项选择]From the passage we can infer that a US counterpart of Vanables or Thompson would ______.
A. have no freedom to go wherever he wants
B. serve a life imprisoment for the crime
C. be forbidden to join many of his relatives
D. no doubt receive massive publicity in the U. S.
[单项选择]We can learn from the passage that the US101 of Lockheed______.
A. is produced by the Systems Integration facility in Owego
B. is equipped with three engines to provide free landing
C. has been considerably thrown into the U.S. war toward Iraq
D. has many offices to make president handle affairs at ease
[单项选择]It took us five hours to get down from the mountain. After having a rest we to the nearest village.
A. proceeded
B. advanced
C. progressed
D. plunged
[单项选择]From the passage we can conclude that the US has come to realize______.
A. the weakening of the US dollar can result in trade deficits
B. the lower the retail prices, the greater in profits
C. tourism can make great contributions to its economy
D. visitors to the US are wealthier than US tourists abroad
[单项选择]Most of us, from earlier school days, have been told that the earth. revolves round the sun.
A. 我们大多数人从刚上学时就知道,地球围绕太阳旋转。
B. 我们中许多人在学校里很早就知道,地球围绕太阳旋转。
C. 我们中许多人在学校里很早就知道,白天地球绕着太阳转。
D. 我们绝大多数早上学的人都知道,地球旋转时是围着太阳的。
[单项选择]Most of us,from earliest school days,have been told that daydreaming is a waste of time. A. 我们大多数人从刚上学就知道,空想就是浪费时间。 B. 我们中许多人在学校里很早就知道,白日梦就是浪费时间。 C.我们中的大多数人在学校里早就知道,每天作白日梦都是浪费时间。 D.我们绝大多数早上学的人都知道,上课时开小差是浪费时间。
[单项选择]Most of us, from earliest school days, have been told that daydreaming is a waste of time.
A. 我们大多数人从刚上学时就知道,空想就是浪费时间。
B. 我们中许多人在学校里很早就知道,白日做梦就是浪费时间。
C. 我们中绝大多数人在学校早就知道,每天做梦都是浪费时间。
D. 我们绝大多数早上学的人都知道,上课开小差是浪费时间。
[单项选择]美国的教育家()认为,儿童应该“从做中学(Learning from doing)”。
A. 博比特
B. 泰勒
C. 斯滕豪格
D. 杜威
[单项选择]The weather ______ us from climbing the mountain.
A. discharged
B. disguised
C. disturbed
D. discouraged
[单项选择]Modern appliances ______ us from a good deal of household work. For instance, the dryer frees us from hanging the laundry.
A. escape
B. benefit
C. liberate
D. comfort
[单项选择]No one can prevent us from ______ the plan.
A. carried out
B. carrying out
C. to carry out
D. carry out


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