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发布时间:2023-10-23 02:38:48

[单项选择]How do some countries protect elephants from being hunted
A. By persuading ivory hunters.
B. By trying to take more care of elephants.
C. By establishing elephant preserves.
D. By fighting with ivory hunters.

更多"How do some countries protect eleph"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How do some countries protect elephants from being hunted
A. By persuading ivory hunters.
B. By trying to take more care of elephants.
C. By establishing elephant preserves.
D. By fighting with ivory hunters.
[单项选择]How do some people react to women's appropriation of men's language forms as reported in the Japanese media
[单项选择]How do you know which bus to take if one goes somewhere
A. A sign.
B. A drawing.
C. A bus.
D. A hut.
[单项选择]How do you ping from configuration mode?()
A. [edit interfaces]   user@router# run ping
B. [edit interfaces]   user@router# ping
C. [edit interfaces]   user@router# up ping
D. [edit interfaces]   user@router# exit ping
[单项选择]— How do you come to Beijing from Guangzhou — ______.
[单项选择]How do you disable a server from Juniper DX Cluster without terminating active client requests? ()
A. Delete the server.
B. "Soft pause" the target server.
C. "Hard pause" the target server.
D. Create a new Cluster without the server.
[单项选择]It can be inferred from the passage that "How do you feel " is used as ______.
A. a greeting
B. a question
C. not a correct sentence
D. often asked among men
[单项选择]How do we explain this variation, and how do we explain the __________ of this adaptation from one generation to another
A. transmission
B. transfer
C. transformation
D. transportation
[单项选择]Actions are being undertaken in how to __________ conservation needs with growing demand for water.
A. unify
B. coincide
C. mingle
D. reconcile
[单项选择]Some people suffering from a pain do not go to hospital because ______.
A. they are horrified to get the bad news
B. they think no medicine is effective
C. they think the pain will disappear as soon as you forget it
D. they are too busy.
[单项选择]—Can I borrow some paper —How ______ do you need
[单项选择]How do they have examinations
A. They will be provided with some materials in textbooks.
B. They have to prepare the course syllabus.
C. They have nothing to prepare but the materials in the textbooks and in the lectures.
D. They have to prepare nothing but the course syllabus.
[单项选择]Some of the meat came from Canada. How about______
A. another
B. the other
C. others
D. the rest
[单项选择]How do all food chains break
A. One kind of animals is eaten up.
B. One kind of plants is destroyed.
C. One kind of animals eats another.
D. One of the links is destroyed.
[单项选择]How do people evaluate Eva Pascoe
A. A very charismatic and smart businesswoman.
B. A conformist.
C. A supporter of knowledge.
D. A pioneer in combining technology and money - making.
[单项选择]How do blind children play soccer
A. They listen to the sound of the ball bouncing.
B. They ask an adult to guide them.
C. They hold a bell in their hands.
D. They put a bell inside the ball.
[单项选择]How do babies recognize different sounds
A. By listening to the sounds.
B. By listening to their own babbling.
C. By repeating the sounds.
D. By uttering the sounds.
[单项选择]We must try our best to protect some of the ______ cultural treasures.
A. rare
B. precious
C. valuable
D. worthy


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