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发布时间:2023-11-16 21:14:08

[单项选择]Many commercials begin with a cheerful song of some kind because______.
A. pop songs attract viewer attention
B. it can increase their loudness
C. advertisers want to make them sound different from regular programs
D. unlike regular programs their intensity of sound varies over a wide range

更多"Many commercials begin with a cheer"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Many commercials begin with a cheerful song of some kind because______.
A. pop songs attract viewer attention
B. it can increase their loudness
C. advertisers want to make them sound different from regular programs
D. advertisers want to merge music with commercials
[单项选择]Many Scottish names begin with M’,Mc or Mac,which means()
A. father of
B. sun of
C. son of
D. some of
[单项选择]Some drivers always drive carelessly. There is some ____ danger while they are driving.
A. painful
B. potential
C. probable
D. primary
[单项选择]The normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 7-8 hours' sleep ______ with some 16-17 hours' wakefulness. Broadly speaking, the sleep normally coincides with the hours of darkness.
A. rotating
B. alternating
C. varying
D. following
[单项选择]What is the purpose of the second woman to buy some diamonds
A. To spend some money on herself.
B. To make herself more beautiful.
C. To make some financial investment.
D. To help other people.
[单项选择]Her neighbor was very sorry, and he bought her some vegetables.
[单项选择]She hoped that some resolution of Edward's and some ______ of their friends would arise to assist their happiness.
A. meditation
B. moderation
C. mediation
D. contemplation
[单项选择]According to the theory of "risk homeostasis", some traffic accidents result from______.
A. our innate desire for risk
B. our fast and reckless driving
C. our ignorance of seat belt benefits
D. our instinctive interest in speeding
[单项选择]Although she has two daughters of her own, she sometimes has the sweetness and ______ of a child.
A. simplicity
B. innocence
C. purity
D. ease
[单项选择]The locality in Mark Twain.s works was usually somewhere along()
A. the Hudson River
B. the Mississippi River
C. the Missouri River
D. the transcontinental railway
[单项选择]When did Chinese conservatism begin
A. 17th century.
B. 19th century.
C. 18th century
D. 20th century.
[单项选择]History is( )a subject that only lets uS know something in history;it also tells us a lot of truth.
A. less than
B. more than
C. no more than
D. not more than
[单项选择]I'm very grateful for your help and hope to do something for you () in the future.
A. in exchange
B. instead
C. in return
D. in particular
[单项选择]You can use credit cards but it’s best to take some currency as well. ( )
A. coupon
B. money
C. coin
D. dime
[单项选择]Many banks work with so many different customers and accounts that they need ______ to record all transactions.
[单项选择]When did Ponti begin making films
A. In 1913
B. In 1931
C. In 1938


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