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发布时间:2023-10-27 00:17:12

[单项选择]Some drivers always drive carelessly. There is some ____ danger while they are driving.
A. painful
B. potential
C. probable
D. primary

更多"Some drivers always drive carelessl"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Joseph is so brilliant that he always keeps some good ideas ______ his sleeve.
A. up
B. in
C. at
D. on
[单项选择]______ busy he is, he always finds some time to read every day.
A. No matter what
B. No matter how
C. No matter when
D. No matter where
[单项选择]Could I have some milk, some orange juice, and some eggs
A. instead of
B. in addition
C. as well
D. so much
[单项选择]Some health experts say food makers should add some elements ______people won't lack these essential substances.
A. since
B. therefore
C. for the purpose that
D. for the effect that
[单项选择]She hoped that some resolution of Edward's and some ______ of their friends would arise to assist their happiness.
A. meditation
B. moderation
C. mediation
D. contemplation
[单项选择]He always()some time playing with his children, even when he is very tired.
A. takes
B. spends
C. uses
[单项选择]The road ______ I drive to work is always crowded.
A. which
B. on that
C. that
D. on which
[单项选择]The road __________ I drive to work is always crowded.
A. which
B. on that
C. that
D. on which
[单项选择]He always ______ some time playing with his children, even when he is very tired.
[单项选择]Though Mum is very busy, she always______ some time every day to read to her children.
A. sets off
B. sets in
C. sets aside
D. sets up
[单项选择]All the following works are written by William Somerset Maugham EXCEPT
[单项选择]The expression "esthetic qualities" might have something to do with the ______ of the containers.
A. size and shape
B. drainage and light
C. attractiveness and decorative value
D. availability only
[单项选择]The old librarian felt proud because she found someone was ready to listen to her.
[单项选择]Many commercials begin with a cheerful song of some kind because______.
A. pop songs attract viewer attention
B. it can increase their loudness
C. advertisers want to make them sound different from regular programs
D. advertisers want to merge music with commercials


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