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发布时间:2023-10-31 04:13:59

[单项选择]Using a 365-day year, if a firm has net annual sales of $ 250000 and average receivables of $150000, what is its average collection period()
A. 219.0 days.
B. 1.7 days.
C. 96 days.

更多"Using a 365-day year, if a firm has"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Assume that a firm has an expected dividend payout ratio of 20%, a required rate of return of 9% , and an expected dividend growth of 5%. What is the firm's estimated price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio()
A. 5.00.
B. 10.00.
C. 20.00.
[单项选择]Your firm has been recommended to us by the James Olivier & Co. () we have done business for many years
A. which
B. with whom
C. whom
D. with which
[单项选择]Your firm has been recommended to us by AMK company, () we have done business for many years.
A. with whom
B. with who
C. whom
D. who
[单项选择]If the firm has paid the promised dividend, the preferred stockholders do not usually vote.
[单项选择]What is the net income of a firm that has a return on equity of 12 percent, an equity muhiplier of 1.5, an asset turnover of 2, and revenue of $1 million()
A. $ 40000.
B. $ 36000.
C. $ 360000.
[单项选择]A year ago the firm had a () loss of 4. 3 million dollars or 20 cents a share after all necessary deduction.
A. total
B. gross
C. net
D. clear
[单项选择]A year ago the firm had a ______ loss of 4. 3 million dollars or 20 cents a share after all necessary deduction.
A. total
B. gross
C. net
D. clear
[单项选择]A company being analyzed has net income of $ 97, liabilities of $ 600, preferred equity of $ 30, total shareholder equity of $ 700, interest expense of $ 48, and preferred dividends of $1.80. What is the return on common equity()
A. 7.00%.
B. 14.21%.
C. 10.18%.
[单项选择]General, Inc. , has net income of $ 650000 and one million shares outstanding. The profit margin is 6 percent and General, Inc. , is selling for $ 30.00. The price/sales ratio is equal to:()
A. 2.77.
B. 10.83.
C. 0.06.
[单项选择]A year has______ and there is no sign of situation getting any better.
A. emerged
B. enclosed
C. elapsed
D. expended
[单项选择]It has always been the ______ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities.
A. plan
B. campaign
C. procedure
D. policy
[单项选择]A 28-year-old nurse has complaints of itching and a rash of both hands. Contact dermatitis is initially suspected. The diagnosis is confirmed if the rash appears
A. erythematous with raised papules.
B. dry and scaly with flaking skin.
C. inflamed with weeping and crusting lesions.
D. excoriated with multiple fissures.
[单项选择]Since the father died a year ago, there has been ______ in the family about the division of the estate.
A. distinctions
B. discord
C. disadvantages
D. disappointment
[单项选择]Jack has studied Chinese in this schoolthe year of 2006.
A. since
B. by
C. for
D. in
[单项选择]A 20-year-old woman has just been diagnosed with Crohn's disease. She has lost 10 lb (4.5kg) and has cramps and occasional diarrhea. The nurse should include which of the following when doing a nutritional assessment
A. Let the client eat as desired during hospitalization.
B. Weigh the client daily.
C. Ask the client to list what she eats during a typical day.
D. Place the client on I&O status and draw blood for electrolyte levels.
[单项选择]First launched in April this year, Net My Singapore also includes efforts that ______ training, development, and the exploration of new technologies based on.
A. obliterate
B. sequester
C. encompass
D. terminate
[单项选择]It has always been the ________ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities.
A. plan
B. campaign
C. procedure
D. policy


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