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发布时间:2023-10-27 09:32:31

[单项选择]The reception normally takes place in the bride' s home if ______.
A. this is a large one
B. there is enough room to entertain the people invited
C. the parents can not afford to hire a hall
D. there is to be no party afterwards

更多"The reception normally takes place "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The reception normally takes place in the bride's home if ______.
A. this is a large one
B. there is enough room to entertain the people invited
C. the parents cannot afford to hire a hall
D. there is to be no party afterwards
[单项选择]Learning that takes place in infancy provides the __________ for the eventual transformation of a child into an adult.
A. foundation is necessary
B. necessary foundation is
C. necessary in the foundation
D. foundation necessary
[单项选择]The garage sale usually takes place outside the house, with the seller______ on benches, chairs or boxes.
A. seated
B. fixed
C. stood
D. kept
[单项选择]Where do you think this conversation takes place _______
A. At the airport
B. In a restaurant.
C. In a supermarket.
D. In a hotel.
[单项选择]In Britain, the Changing of the Guard takes place in ______.
A. Buckingham Palace.
B. Downing Street.
C. Victoria and Albert Museum.
D. The Tower of London.
[单项选择]Any earthquake that takes place in any area is certainly regarded as a kind of a ______ event.
A. cholesterol
B. charcoal
C. catastrophic
D. chronic
[单项选择]The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ______ on benches, chairs or boxes.
A. having seated
B. seating
C. seated
D. having been seated
[单项选择]The Rose Bowl parade (takes place) every year (in) Pasadena (in) (New Year's Day).
A. takes place
B. in
C. in
D. New Year’s Day
[单项选择]If the first high tide takes place at 1:00 A.M., the next high tide will probably take place at ______.
A. 7:20 A.M.
B. 8:00 A.M.
C. 1:45 P.M.
D. high noon
[单项选择]{{U}}Tanning{{/U}} by the sun takes place because sunlight stimulates the skin to produce the pigment melanin.
A. burning
B. roasting
C. browning
D. scorching
[单项选择]Wei Mingzhi, agirl, takes Mr. Gaos place in the primary school.
A. thirteenyearold
B. thirteenyearsold
C. thirteen year old
D. thirteen years old
[单项选择]At the wedding of the couple, the bride's father compared their new life together to a railroad train on a long, unknown track and wished them a safe journey. What might this comment suggests
A. The father opposed the marriage and felt that it had little chance of succeeding.
B. The father favored the marriage because they two matched each other.
C. The father not only reminded the newlyweds of potential marriage difficulties but also of fered his encouragement to them.
D. The father was probably a retired engineer and lie was speaking from his professional experience.
[单项选择]It is the bride's parents who normally have to ______.
A. make all the arrangements for the wedding
B. provide hospitality for the people attending
C. decide who shall be invited
D. pay all the expenses involved
[单项选择]It is the _____ for the bride’s father to pay for the wedding.
A. custom
B. habit
C. hobby
D. pattern


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