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发布时间:2023-10-31 02:15:50

[单项选择]Now I regret ______ worked harder at school.
A. not to have
B. not have
C. not having
D. having not

更多"Now I regret ______ worked harder a"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Had you worked harder in the past three years, you ______ already a college student as your best friend Torn is.
A. are
B. have been
C. were
D. be
[单项选择]Had you worked harder.you ()a lot more.
A. will learn
B. will have learned
C. would learn
D. would have learned
[单项选择]He ______ his examination if he worked harder.
A. has passed
B. should have passed
C. could have passed
D. would have passed
[单项选择]______ worked harder, he would have passed the exam.
A. He had
B. When he
C. If he
D. Had he
[单项选择]Had he worked harder, he______ the exam.
A. must have got through
B. would get through
C. could get through
D. would have got through
[单项选择]Had he worked harder, be ______the exams.
A. must have got through
B. would have got through
C. would get through
D. could get through
[单项选择]Had he worked harder, he ______ the job.
A. must have got
B. would get
C. would have got
D. could get
[单项选择]Had he worked harder, he ______ the exams.
A. must have got through
B. would have got through
C. would get through
D. could get through
[单项选择]I regret ______ harder at office.
A. not to have worked
B. not having worked
C. not have worked
D. having not worked
[单项选择]I've worked with him now over the course of four years, I know him ______.
A. here and there
B. back and forth
C. backwards and forwards
D. now and then
[单项选择](Now that) he is working (much harder), I don't think he'll (have any trouble)(to pass) the entrance exams.
A. Now that
B. much harder
C. have any trouble
D. to pass
[单项选择]We've worked out the plan and now we must put it into ______ .
A. fact
B. reality
C. practice
D. deed


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