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发布时间:2023-10-07 13:46:48

[单项选择]Had you worked harder.you ()a lot more.
A. will learn
B. will have learned
C. would learn
D. would have learned

更多"Had you worked harder.you ()a lot m"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Had you worked harder in the past three years, you ______ already a college student as your best friend Torn is.
A. are
B. have been
C. were
D. be
[单项选择]Had you worked harder that time, you ______ a better position.
A. could get
B. have got
C. would get
D. would have got
[单项选择]I had worked here ()you came here. But l shall leave for England().
A. before long; before long
B. before long; long before
C. long before; before long
D. long before; long before
[单项选择]We had a lot of good applicants for the job, but Thomas Taylor ______ from the rest by having a degree in marketing.
A. singled out
B. checked Out
C. stood aside
D. stood ont
[单项选择]We wish that you hadn't had such a lot of work to do last evening because we know that you would-have enjoyed de party.
A. 我们只希望你昨晚没那么多上作要做,因为我们都知道你肯定希望享受晚会之乐。
B. 我们多么希望你昨晚没那么多工作要做,因为我们都知道你能分享晚会的欢乐。
C. 我们昨晚还希望你没那么多工作要做,因为我们都知道你肯定已经享受到了晚会的快乐。
D. .我们真希望你昨晚没那么多工作要做,因为我们都知道你肯定愿意享受晚会的欢乐。

When I was in 7th grade, I had a lot of trouble in reading. My mother used to sit by my side, and explain each paragraph of each school reading assignment to me because I didn’t understand what I was reading. She would have to read each paragraph to me, and then after each paragraph, she told me the general meaning of what we just read.
In class, I tried to hide the fact that I couldn’t read. My teachers gave us the last 10 minutes of class to start our reading homework, and I would sit there for the last ten minutes of class staring at the page, pretending I was reading it. I remember a terrible feeling of not wanting to get into trouble for not being able to understand. I had to wait until I got home so my mother could explain it to me. How did I ever get into Cornell University
By eighth grade I started understanding a little on my own, but I was reading at a very slow speed. In eighth grade, I got hold of all the speed-reading books I could
A. she entered Cornell University
B. she took a course on speed-reading
C. her mother managed to help her out
D. she developed her own way of reading

[单项选择]Woman: If I had a lot of money for travel, I'd want to get away in style.Man: What does that meanWoman: I'd fly first class, have a rental car arranged for me, and live in a four-star hotel.Question: How would the woman travel if she had a lot of money
A. In a plain style.
B. In a luxury style.
C. In a self-service style.
D. In a popular style.
[单项选择]Poor old Bill had a lot of money ______ while he was on holiday.
A. steal
B. stealing
C. stole
D. stolen
[单项选择]—______I had ! —You really suffered a lot.
A. What a time
B. How a time
C. What time
D. How time
[单项选择]Had you prepared for your lecture, you()more fluently.
A. should have spoken
B. would have spoken
C. would speak
D. had spoken
[单项选择]Had you followed the doctor's advice, you would be much better now. But you ______.


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