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发布时间:2023-10-29 22:22:15

[单项选择]Although he offered her a high salary, he could not ______ her to accept a position with his firm.
A. advise
B. persuade
C. conceive
D. convince

更多"Although he offered her a high sala"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Mary could invite her friends to the house at her own ______ if she told her mother in time.
A. prudence
B. discretion
C. reaction
D. exertion
[单项选择]The company _____ him a very high salary, but he still wasn't content with it.
A. provided
B. supplied
C. afforded
D. offered
[单项选择]She sent her son to England so that he could learn English from ______ speakers.
A. native
B. local
C. home
D. national
[单项选择]She could do her homework herself (她自己), so she ______ any help.
[单项选择]The little girl could not ______ her tears when her mother was dressing the wound.
A. hold out
B. hold up
C. hold back
D. hold forth
[单项选择]Jane heard a terrible noise, ______ brought her heart into her mouth.
A. that
B. this
C. what
D. which
[单项选择]He could never be content until he could afford to buy that beautiful car.
A. full
B. rich
C. wise
D. happy
[单项选择]Since her father could not drive her to the airport, she requested her uncle to drive her instead().
A. take
B. bring
C. dispatch
D. deliver
[单项选择]He couldn't______ her that he was innocent and he didn't commit the crime.
A. confirm
B. confide
C. trust
D. convince
[单项选择]______ he admired her looks and her manners, he had no wish to marry her.
A. Much as
B. As much as
C. How much
D. So much
[单项选择]He purposely ignored her call because he just didn't feel like ______.
A. disturbing
B. to disturb
C. being disturbed
D. to be disturbed
[单项选择]He' s so crazy about her that he doesn' t realize he' s being ______.
A. manifested
B. magnified
C. manipulated
D. maintained
[单项选择]He kept a ______ hold on her hand as he helped her over the fence.
A. solid
B. stiff
C. firm
D. rigid
[单项选择]John's suit was old and it was high time he ______ a new one.
A. would buy
B. bought
C. buys
D. will buy
[单项选择]Directly he saw her, he fell ______ in love.
A. from head to foot
B. head over heels
C. head and shoulders
D. toe to toe
[单项选择]He was told he could join the army when he ______ old enough.
A. would be
B. should be
C. was
D. were


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