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发布时间:2023-10-12 04:52:19

[单项选择]What do you think their mother has just done

更多"What do you think their mother has "的相关试题:

[单项选择]What can be done has been done.
A. 可以做的事都已经做了。
B. 能做的事情都已做了。
C. 能够做完的事都已经做完了。
D. 什么事还能做呢,都已经做完了。
[单项选择]What he has just said has little to do with the question ______ discussion.
A. on
B. under
C. in
D. at
[单项选择]--Are you satisfied with what she has done --Not a little. It couldn't be ______.
A. any better
B. any worse
C. the best
D. the worst
[单项选择]What he has done is ______ what I have done. ( )
A. superior to
B. more superior to
C. superior than
D. more superior than
[单项选择]What do you think the author has most probably talked about previously, according to the passage
A. How to learn faster than others.
B. How to deal with pressure.
C. What to do with interesting subject.
D. How to relax oneself while studying.
[单项选择]What did the author think of his mother
A. She was stubborn.
B. She was strong.
C. She did not care him very much.
D. She was not very intelligent.
[单项选择]Thank you for what you have done for us, which leads to quick improvement in our research work.
A. 由于你们的帮助,我们才取得了研究的进展。
B. 感谢你们所做的一切,这使我们的研究工作得以开展。
C. 谢谢你为我们做的一切,它使我们的研究工作迅速得到改进。
D. 我们的研究工作所取得的进展要感谢您为我们所作出的一切。
[单项选择]You can do what you like, but I do not want you to be_________.
A. on the way
B. along the way
C. by the way
D. in the way
[单项选择]Look, what you have done! You ______ must have been move careful.
A. must
B. might
C. should
D. would
[单项选择]A: What do you plan to do for the next weekeed So far I have no plans at all. B:().
A. Sorry. It is not my business.
B. So do I.
C. I have nothing to say.
D. You could go swimming.
[单项选择]What should you do if you are not highly motivated to lose weight
A. Say YES to Food.
B. Get Expert Support.
C. Weight Loss That Works.
D. Track and Calculate with Ease.
[单项选择]What he has done is far from ______ .
A. satisfactory
B. satisfied
C. satisfaction
D. satisfy
[单项选择]If you are the writer, what title do you give the passage
A. The Life of Jules Verne.
B. Jules Verne and His Two Fictions.
C. Jules Verne: Father of Science Fiction.
D. The Dream of Jules Verne Come True.
[单项选择]"What courses are you going to do next semester " I don't know. But it's about time ______ on something.
[单项选择]—What do you usually do at weekends —Er... I usually ______ some cleaning at home.
[单项选择]What must you do if you wish to ensure a pleasant visit to a foreign county
A. Master the language of that country.
B. Speak less and watch more.
C. Wait and see unless you are sure of success.
D. Learn more about the culture as well as ensuring a command of the language.
[单项选择]What should you do if you have got some polish on the skin around your fingernail
A. Watch your brush.
B. Clean up as you go.
C. Apply in minimal sweeps.
D. Start with clean nails.
[单项选择]What should you do when you need to answer a phone call during a performance
A. Call back after the performance.
B. Answer it near the exit door.
C. Talk outside the exit door.
D. Speak in a low voice.


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