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发布时间:2023-10-03 04:20:37

[单项选择]We should recognize that every company and every person is part of a long ______ of customers and suppliers.
A. pool
B. line
C. stream
D. chain

更多"We should recognize that every comp"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The leader should every suggestion worthy of careful consideration which is put for ward by the masses.
A. take charge of
B. attach importance to
C. take responsibility for
D. give regards to
[单项选择]Should every government agency have _________ to the computer files of every other agency
A. access
B. entrance
C. accent
D. entitlement
[单项选择]We should avail ______ of every opportunity to practice our English.
A. oneself
B. ours
C. us
D. ourselves
[单项选择]For the success of the project, the company should _________ the most of the opportunities at hand.
A. obtain
B. grasp
C. catch
D. make
[单项选择]In order to make more profit, one company should ________.
A. incorporate another company
B. cooperate with its subsidiary
C. buy from an unrelated company
D. transfer title to a related company
[单项选择]We should not ______ the West, nor should we praise it to the skies and think great of everything that belongs to the West.
A. forgive
B. forsake
C. forlorn
D. forage
[单项选择]We should never underestimate influence we can have on the children we love.
A. undersell
B. undervalue
C. disregard
D. misjudge
[单项选择]We were married on 20 May 1964, and every year we have a party on our ______.
A. ceremony
B. anniversary
C. assemble
D. entertainment
[单项选择]Tom should make every () to study well.
A. affect
B. effect
C. afford
D. effort
[单项选择]When should we hand in the homework
A. The more, the better.
B. The sooner, the better.
C. The quick, the better.
D. The faster, the better.
[单项选择]We should always make sure that we control technology rather than have it control us.
A. 我们应该确保由我们来控制技术而不是让技术控制我们。
B. 我们应该确保由我们来技术控制更愿意让技术控制我们。
C. 我们应该确保由我们来控制技术不愿意让它控制我们。
D. 我们应该确保由我们来控制技术比让技术控制我们要好。
[单项选择]We know that this is true, but ______ we recognize this truth only in our backward glance.
A. all too often
B. too often
C. all too late
D. too late
[单项选择]There is no specific rule ______ what we should wear to a dinner party.
A. because of
B. as to
C. as of
D. but for
[单项选择]What attitude should we have towards the globalization process
A. Disapproving.
B. Pessimistic.
C. Critical.
D. Indifferent
[单项选择]The author suggests that the interviewee should wear ______.
A. blue suit
B. conservative suit
C. sloppy dress
D. bright-colored suit
[简答题]Why should we teach pronunciation and intonation in context?


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