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发布时间:2023-09-28 18:21:02

[单项选择]European conservatives, until the end of the 19th century, rejected democratic principles and institutions. Instead they opted for monarchies or for authoritarian government.
A. chose
B. constructed
C. conceived
D. conserved

更多"European conservatives, until the e"的相关试题:

[单项选择]European conservatives, until the end of the 19th century, rejected democratic principles and institutions. Instead they opted for monarchies or for authoritarian government.
A. chose
B. constructed
C. conceived
D. conserved
[单项选择]During the 19th century, Jews in most European countries achieved some equality of status with non-Jews. Nonetheless, at times Jews were harassed by anti-Semitic groups.
A. opposed
B. exploited
C. despised
D. annoyed
[单项选择]Right now there is a sale of 19th-century European paintings and sculpture in the museum.
A. photographs
B. images
C. statues
D. stone paintings
[单项选择]Not until the early years of the 19th century ______what heat is.
[单项选择]Until the end of the nineteenth century meteoritic iron was used to ______.
A. provide special weapons for royalty
B. build churches and temples
C. manufacture sturdy tools
D. all of the above
[单项选择]People in the 18th and 19th centuries used to sleep about 9. 5 hours a night because they had ______.
A. no drive and ambition
B. no electric lighting
C. the best sleep habits
D. nothing to do in the evening
[单项选择]In the early 19th century, ______ actively used the ShermanAntitrust Act to stop monopolistic business mergers in the UnitedStates.
A. J.P. Morgan
B. Woodrow Wilson
C. Henry Rockefeller
D. Theodore Roosevelt
[单项选择]At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries _____ appeared in England as a new trend in literature.
A. Renaissance
B. Reformation
C. Romanticism
D. Sentimentalism
[单项选择]At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries ______ appeared in England as a new trend in literature.
A. Renaissance
B. Reformation
C. Romanticism
D. Sentimentalism
[单项选择]Why were people in the early 19th century unhappy when they received letters [A] Because they had to buy stamps. [B] Because they had to pay postage. [C] Because the letters always brought them bad news.
[单项选择]The growth of specialization in the 19th century might be more clearly seen in sciences such as______.
A. sociology and chemistry
B. physics and psychology
C. sociology and psychology
D. physics and chemistry
[单项选择]According to the 19th century theories, which of the following is NOT a reason for the supposed lesser ability among women
A. Women have a smaller brain size.
B. Women are not as intelligent as men.
C. Women and men differ in their brains.
D. Women have less developed frontal lobes.


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