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发布时间:2023-12-04 06:25:49

[单项选择]Before John Shuttleworth started his business, he ______.
A. borrowed money
B. waited for a good time to open his business
C. developed an inadequate plan
D. studied, prepared a plan, and trained himself

更多"Before John Shuttleworth started hi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He ______ his work to his colleagues before he went abroad.
A. transferred
B. commenced
C. delivered
D. commended
[单项选择]When he first started in university, he really felt at ______ with his major--economics.
A. shore
B. bank
C. ocean
D. sea
[单项选择]If Phillip didn't leave his office before six, he ______ back home yet.
[单项选择]Cliff caught the thief before he met his friend.
[单项选择]Clif caught the thief before he met his friend.
[单项选择]Before he became American president, John Kennedy ______.
A. kept a record of events in the Navy
B. was the owner of a newspaper
C. was three times elected to the House of Representatives
D. studied law in the university
[单项选择]He worked ______ at his task for weeks before he felt satisfied that the results would justify his long effort.
A. occasionally
B. regularly
C. patiently
D. assiduously
[单项选择]He meant ______ his homework before lunch, but his pen didn't work.
A. finishing
B. having finished
C. finished
D. to finish
[单项选择]When he started his company, Don______.
A. spent most of his time on test flights
B. was mainly interested in designing balloons for advertising
C. worked hard, whereas now he relaxes
D. built the balloons at home
[单项选择]The reason why John left his home was_____he felt he'd brought shame to his parents.
A. because
B. that
C. as
D. for
[单项选择]The reason why John left his home was ______ he felt he'd brought shame to his parents.
A. because
B. that
C. as
D. for
[单项选择]Jack lived with his mother before he worked in the village.
[单项选择]Before he started work, I asked the builder to give me an ________ of the cost of repairing the roof.
A. assessment
B. estimate
C. announcement
D. evaluation
[单项选择]John()be could improve his exam results, but he did not have enough time to study.
A. knows how
B. knows that
C. knew how
D. knew that
[单项选择]Marlin visited his aunt two days before he ______ town.
A. leaves
B. will leave
C. had left
D. left
[单项选择]--Where is John --He has been busy ______ his homework.
A. to do
B. doing
C. do
D. done
[单项选择]When the opposing player fouled John, John let his anger ______ his good sense and hit the boy back.
A. got the feel of
B. got the hang of
C. got the better of
D. got the worst of


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