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发布时间:2023-10-31 03:20:32

[单项选择]Ten years later I met Mr. Brown again and found that he looked _____ the same.
A. aall
B. pretty
C. very
D. mmuch

更多"Ten years later I met Mr. Brown aga"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When the boy came back years later, he found the empty old house there.
A. none but
B. none other than
C. nothing but
D. no other than
[单项选择]When Paul met Clara again 20 years later, he decided
A. to share the $600 with her.
B. not to marry her.
C. to ask back the $600,
D. not to refuse her offer.
[单项选择]The prisoner of war wished to be .Ten years later, he free and regained his .
A. free; was set; free
B. freely; was set; freedom
C. free; set; freedom
D. free; was set; freedom
[单项选择]Many years later, Einstein wears a new hat.
[单项选择]On his visit to the school years later, Peter was astonished to find himself ______ at once.
A. remembering
B. remembered
C. being remembered
D. having remembered
[单项选择]Not until many years later ______.
A. the whole truth became known
B. did the whole truth become known
C. the whole truth has become known
D. has the truth become known
[单项选择]They bought()nice house in 1996. Years later, they bought()second house.
A. the.../
B. a...the
C. a...a
D. /...the
[单项选择]Two years later, at the mid-term elections, his party suffered a very serious______.
A. disturbance
B. setback
C. output
D. distortion
[填空题]The hundred thousand dollars were found,because the thief dropped the money while escaping().
[单项选择]Although Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be ______, her supervision of forty workers was a considerable responsibility.
A. ambiguous
B. provisional
C. menial
D. unique
[单项选择]Newly- found fossilized tracks in Alaska proved that dinosaurs' migration between Asia and North America took place ________.
A. much earlier than experts previously thought.
B. much later than experts previously thought.
C. after Asia became an independent continent.
D. sometime around 25 million years ago.
[单项选择]When he arrived at the airport, Mr. Smith found that he ______ his ticket ir/the office.
A. has left
B. was leaving
C. had left
D. would leave
[单项选择]If you ______ Jerry Brown until recently, you'd think the photograph on the right was strange.


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