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发布时间:2023-10-23 23:04:23

[单项选择]The author uses the example of the early models of high-speed railroad cars primarily to ______.
A. support the thesis that the number of errors in modern engineering systems is likely to increase
B. illustrate the idea that courses in design are the most effective means for reducing the cost of designing engineering systems
C. support the contention that a lack of attention to the nonscientific aspects of design results in poor conceptualization by engineers
D. weaken the proposition that mathematics is a necessary part of the study of design

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[单项选择]In the third paragraph the author uses the example of the single mother to indicate that faith
A. is a gift.
B. is a choice.
C. can be easily wavered.
D. is a spontaneous impulse.
[单项选择]The author uses the example of cancer patients to show that ______.
A. medical resources are often wasted
B. doctors are helpless against fatal diseases
C. some treatments are too aggressive
D. medical costs are becoming unaffordable
[单项选择]The author uses the example of the soap bubble blower to show that ______.
A. skill is required to produce humor
B. neither too much exaggeration nor absolute explicitness is fit for humor
C. people should perfect the art of humor just as the bubble blower does to the bubbles
D. humor should make people frantic for a while
[单项选择]The author uses the example of the question of life in other galaxies primarily in order to
[单项选择]How did the author feel early in the morning
A. He felt burdened with responsibilities.
B. He felt puzzled by the dramatic situations.
C. He felt cheerful and happy.
D. He felt horrified by the war.
[单项选择]The author uses the example of a monkey to argue that robots are ______.
A. expected to copy human brain in internal structure
B. able to perceive abnormalities immediately
C. far less able than human brain in focusing on relevant information
D. best used in a controlled environment
[单项选择]The author uses the example of a rattle to show that ______.
A. in toy-making there is a continuity in the use of materials
B. even the simplest toys can reflect the progress of technology
C. it often takes a long time to introduce new technology into toy-making
D. even a simple toy can mirror the artistic tastes of the times
[单项选择]The author uses the "little Billy" example to ______.
A. drive home the meaning of overjustifieation effect
B. prove bad things do happen to good people
C. dissociate one group of "good" people from another
D. show sympathy for people like Billy
[单项选择]In para. 4 the author uses an example to show______.
[单项选择]The author of the passage uses the second paragraph to
A. (A) summarize the main point of the refutation to the argument discussed in the passage
B. (B) explain why the hypothesis under criticism in the passage has been disparaged by critics
C. (C) suggest an alternate explanation that undermines the premises of the hypothesis critiqued in the passage
D. (D) introduce a hypothesis that will be discussed in detail later in the passage
E. (E) present evidence that is intended to qualify the critique of the hypothesis being discussed in the passage
[单项选择]The author uses Abstract Expressionist painter as an example to show that ______.
A. it is difficult to define real art
B. what photographers do differs from that of painters
C. Abstract Expressionist painters and photographers are different
D. they resemble serious photographers in giving up traditional aims of art
[单项选择]In his example the author tells his readers that ______. ( )
[单项选择]In the second paragraph the author uses an analogy (类比) that assumes that general principles are similar to______.
A. the wood
B. the trees
C. technical details
D. fixed laws
[单项选择]The author uses the comparison with building a cathedral to show that ______.
A. worthwhile results do not depend on raw material only
B. the mediaeval world had different beliefs
C. great works of art require good foundations
D. close attention to detail is important
[单项选择]The author uses the statistics in the fourth paragraph to show that ________.
A. there are more companies owned by women than those owned by men
B. there is a trend for women to establish companies of their own
C. more people are willing to work in companies owned by women
D. women are as good as men in managing their business


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