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发布时间:2023-11-15 21:53:38

[单项选择]Urban congestion would be greatly relieved if only the () charged on public transport were more reasonable.
A. prices
B. tickets
C. fees
D. fares

更多"Urban congestion would be greatly r"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Urban congestion would be greatly relieved if only the ______ charged on public transport were more reasonable.
A. prices
B. tickets
C. fees
D. tariffs
[单项选择]Urban congestion would greatly be relieved if the ________ charged on public transport Were more reasonable.
A. prices
B. tickets
C. fees
D. fares
[单项选择]Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if only the ________ charged on public transport were more reasonable.
A. fees
B. fares
C. payments
D. costs
[单项选择]We would greatly____ any advice you may care to give.
A. estimate
B. appraise
C. appreciate
D. evaluate
[单项选择]A few simple ______ to this plan would greatly improve it.
A. demands
B. modifications
C. modulations
D. assessments
[单项选择]A user would like to ensure that only their family and their laptops can access a newly installed wireless router. Which of the following BEST accomplishes this?()
A. MAC filtering
B. Disable DHCP
C. Static IP addresses
D. Port forwarding
[单项选择]The priest asked the only listener if he would be willing to have a shortened service. This suggests ________.
[单项选择]Salesman: How would you like this one It' s only 699. It is on sale (大甩卖).Customer:______
[单项选择]Only when (he realized) that there (would be) more (difficulties) ahead than he expected (he came to) me for help.
A. he realized
B. would be
C. difficulties
D. he came to
[单项选择]Only a ______ person would believe such an unlikely story about ghosts in the old house.
A. fabulous
B. credible
C. credulous
D. believable
[单项选择]Sophisticated, intelligent people are not greatly concerned with such qualities as good looks.
A. superficial
B. vague
C. intelligible
D. virtual
[单项选择]Social scientists have recently become greatly interested in space because ______.
A. space industrialization will create new markets and more jobs on Earth
B. space exploration will be harmful to man
C. space colonization is near at hand
D. otherwise technologists will catch the opportunity to go to space
[单项选择]Tractors and other agricultural machines greatly facilitate farming. ( )
A. communicate
B. subsidize
C. grade
D. ease
[单项选择]The marketing strategies contribute greatly to the success of Coca-Cola in that______.
A. they are in consistent with the American culture
B. they are totally different from that of other companies
C. it produced some of the most commercials, tunes, slogans and sponsorship
D. they compete with others in a youthful and carefree style
[单项选择]By giving the elderly greatly increased purchasing power,it would kick-start the economy back prosperity.
A. 根据给老人们被极大增加的购买能力,它将启动经济往回走,奔向繁荣。
B. 通过提高老年人的购买力这一方法,我们可以使经济恢复繁荣。
C. 大幅度提高老年人的购买力,可以让经济复兴。
D. 赋予老年人以大大增强的购买力,它将让经济重新开始繁荣。
[单项选择]American's attitude toward Germany greatly changed after the following event ______.
[单项选择]In which aspect are wolves greatly different from monkeys and apes
A. Competitiveness.
B. Cooperation.
C. Dominance.
D. Hieratical creatures.
[单项选择]The connoisseurs' opinions differed greatly as to the question whether the picture on show was a(n) ______ Picasso painting.
A. explicit
B. reliable
C. stringent
D. authentic


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