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发布时间:2023-11-11 05:13:23

[单项选择]The connoisseurs' opinions differed greatly as to the question whether the picture on show was a(n) ______ Picasso painting.
A. explicit
B. reliable
C. stringent
D. authentic

更多"The connoisseurs' opinions differed"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Burke and Hare differed from other body snatchers in that
A. they got other people to dig up bodies for them,
B. they sold the bodies only to one surgeon.
C. they dug up bodies not just from graveyards.
D. they resorted to murder to get bodies.
[单项选择]The PWA differed from the WPA in that
[单项选择]Hawthorne differed from other writers ______ he saw the potential consequences of all decisions resulting in either regeneration or punishment.
A. in which
B. in that
C. in what
D. in how
[单项选择]Jung and Adler differed most with Freud over______.
A. what primarily motivates human behavior
B. whether dreams can interpret human behavior
C. how hypnosis is used in psychoanalysis
D. what medicine can cure neurosis
[单项选择]Sophisticated, intelligent people are not greatly concerned with such qualities as good looks.
A. superficial
B. vague
C. intelligible
D. virtual
[单项选择]By giving the elderly greatly increased purchasing power,it would kick-start the economy back prosperity.
A. 根据给老人们被极大增加的购买能力,它将启动经济往回走,奔向繁荣。
B. 通过提高老年人的购买力这一方法,我们可以使经济恢复繁荣。
C. 大幅度提高老年人的购买力,可以让经济复兴。
D. 赋予老年人以大大增强的购买力,它将让经济重新开始繁荣。
[单项选择]Although there are different opinions among them ,they finally ______ a plan.
A. agree to
B. agree with
C. agree on
D. agree in
[单项选择]People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. ______, she is a great musician.
A. After all
B. As a result
C. In other words
D. As usual
[单项选择]With which of the following opinions would the author be likely to agree
[单项选择]In which aspect are wolves greatly different from monkeys and apes
A. Competitiveness.
B. Cooperation.
C. Dominance.
D. Hieratical creatures.
[单项选择]Medical treatment varies greatly from state to state in this country, _____ is really confusing to me
A. this
B. it
C. that
D. which
[单项选择]Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if only the ________ charged on public transport were more reasonable.
A. fees
B. fares
C. payments
D. costs
[单项选择]Urban congestion would be greatly relieved if only the () charged on public transport were more reasonable.
A. prices
B. tickets
C. fees
D. fares
[单项选择]The author's pursuit of student opinions in Michigan turned out to be a failure because _________.
A. the author is skeptical
B. it is hard to keep politics and social security reform separate
C. Bush does not have best wishes of any generation
D. Bush promised to do something but never make good on his promise
[单项选择]Teachers are different in their opinions about ______.
A. the difficulties in teaching spelling
B. the role of spelling in general language development
C. the complexities of the basic writing skills
D. the necessity of teaching spelling
[单项选择]When there are many conflicting opinions, it is hard to ______ the truth.
A. dissipate
B. discern
C. dispute
D. dispose


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