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发布时间:2024-02-16 05:30:14

[单项选择]The students in the dormitories were forbidden, unless they had special passed, ______ after 11 pm.
A. staying out
B. stay out
C. from staying out
D. to stay out

更多"The students in the dormitories wer"的相关试题:

[单项选择]During the examination the students were required to stay in their seats, keep their eyes on their work _________to anyone.
[单项选择]The students were given complimentary passes for the new movie.
A. inexpensive
B. free
C. expensive
D. good
[单项选择]All the students were surprised that their team _____ the game.
A. should lose
B. should have lost
C. would lose
D. would have lost
[单项选择]The first-year students were learning from the army in Miyun, a suburb of Beijing near ______ I lived.
A. what
B. where
C. that
D. which
[单项选择]They first-year students were learning from the army in Miyun, a suburb of Beijing near ______ I lived.
A. what
B. where
C. that
D. which
[单项选择]The students were surprised to know Miss Green ______.
[单项选择]The students were much encouraged ______ a chance to talk with the Americans in English.
A. to get
B. got
C. to have got
D. having got
[单项选择]The students were ______ by his humorous words.
A. carried away
B. carried in
C. carried out
D. carried on
[单项选择]The students were just about to ______ the question, when suddenly he found the answer.
A. arrive at
B. submit to
C. work on
D. give up
[单项选择]The students were surprised to know green ______.
[单项选择]The students were told to make ______ study of the air situation in ______ city of Beijing.
A. 不填; the
B. a; the
C. the; the
D. a; 不填
[单项选择]In today's class, the students were asked to ________ their mistakes on the exam paper and put in their possible Corrections.
A. cancel
B. omit
C. extinguish
D. erase
[单项选择]The new students were very slow to ______ to the unusual roles of the school.
A. suit
B. adopt
C. adapt
D. conform
[单项选择]All the students were busy ___________ except Fred.
[单项选择]—Were you showed around the Forbidden City during your visit in Beijing —No, but I wish I ______.
A. was
B. am
C. had been
D. would be
[单项选择]Students in this university are forbidden ______ out of the main gates of the university after 11 p.m.
A. going
B. to go
C. having gone
D. their going


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