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发布时间:2023-10-31 05:36:10

[单项选择]______he has many friends,he is often feeling lonely.
A. As
B. When
C. While
D. Since

更多"______he has many friends,he is oft"的相关试题:


Text 3 Success, it is often said, has many fathers—and one of the many fathers of computing, that most successful of industries, was Charles Babbage, a 19th-century British mathematician. Exasperated by errors in the mathematical tables that were widely used as calculation aids at the time, Babbage dreamed of building a mechanical engine that could produce flawless tables automatically. But his attempts to make such a machine in the 1920s failed, and the significance of his work was only rediscovered this century. Next year, at last, the first set of printed tables should emerge from a calculating "difference engine" built to Babbage’s design. Babbage will have been vindicated. But the realization of his dream will also underscore the extent to which he was a man born ahead of his time. The effort to prove that Babbage’s designs were logically and practically sound began in 1985, when a team of researchers at the Science Museum in London set out
A. disappointment
B. indifference
C. admiration
D. approval

[单项选择]Jim has made many friends since he ______ to China.
[单项选择]Jim has made many friends since he ______ to China.
[单项选择]Einstein is very great because he has many inventions.
[单项选择]The policeman interviewed as many witnesses as he could to ______ enough information to file a suit against the suspect.
A. articulate
B. withdraw
C. impart
D. elicit
[单项选择]How many times has Wolfe married

A. 24
B. 23
C. 32
D. 24
[单项选择]Joe had many regrets when he ______ the years he spent abroad.
A. looked back on
B. looked down upon
C. looked up to
D. looked out of
[单项选择]He has many works of William Shakespeare, but only one is ______.
A. initial
B. elementary
C. original
D. primary
[单项选择]Tom knocked on the doors of many houses because he liked to visit people.
[单项选择]Has he changed his mind again I wish he'd at least be ______.
A. constant
B. insistent
C. persistent
D. consistent
[单项选择]Although I spoke to him many times, he never took any ______ of what I said.
A. notice
B. remark
C. observation
D. attention


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