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发布时间:2023-12-08 06:22:53

[单项选择]Mary saw her son ______ the piano when she came to the room.
A. playing
B. play
C. played
D. to play

更多"Mary saw her son ______ the piano w"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Her face brightened up when she saw her long-awaited friend _______.
A. turning off
B. turning away
C. turning in
D. turning up
[单项选择]How did the author feel when she saw her children searching under the Christmas tree for their presents
A. Greedy.
B. Cheerful.
C. Laughable.
D. Disheartened.
[单项选择]When I saw her facial ______ I knew she was angry.
A. appearance
B. expression
C. looking
D. feeling
[单项选择]When her report came, she found that she had received three "D' s" and two "C' s". Soon she began to recall some of the errors she______ on her test.
A. should have made
B. might have made
C. would have made
D. could make
[单项选择]Mary ______ well when I saw her last time.
[单项选择]When she saw the clouds, she went back to the house to ______ her umbrella.
A. bring
B. fetch
C. take
D. carry
[单项选择]When the woman saw Jack, she was very happy.
[单项选择]How did the author feel when Jennie told her she had broken up with her boy friend
A. She felt relived.
B. She felt happy and proud.
C. She felt frustrated and angry.
D. She felt exhausted.
[单项选择]She told them where she ______ her son.
A. has last seen
B. had last seen
C. last seen
D. was last seeing
[单项选择]She asked that she ______ allowed to see her son in police custody.
A. would be
B. could be
C. be
D. was
[单项选择]She sent her son to England so that he could learn English from ______ speakers.
A. native
B. local
C. home
D. national
[单项选择]She asked that she ______ allowed to see her son in police custody.
A. would be
B. could be
C. be
D. was
[单项选择]— What did the mother say —She said that her son went ______.
A. every day to school very slowly
B. slowly every day to school
C. every day to school
D. to school slowly every day
[单项选择]Dorothy looked at the King when she heard this song and noticed that he seemed disturbed and ______ at ease.
A. ail
B. ill
C. illness
D. sick
[单项选择]She(), but when I came in she stopped.
A. has talked
B. had talked
C. was talking
D. talked
[单项选择]It was yesterday ______ she saw her boyfriend in the street.
A. when
B. that
C. which
D. as


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