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发布时间:2023-09-30 23:58:30

[单项选择]What tempts you to eat more is______.
A. your hungry cells
B. your hunger and appetite
C. hormone insulin
D. both your hungry cells and hormone insulin

更多"What tempts you to eat more is_____"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The more fruit and vegetables you eat, ______chance of getting cancer you have.
A. little
B. less
C. the less
D. the least
[单项选择]"What do they eat in Hawaii" ______ eat rice rather than potatoes."
A. Most of people
B. Most of the people
C. The most of people
D. The most people
[单项选择]Please take what you like, you ______ eat too much.
A. may not
B. would not
C. must not
D. can not
[单项选择]If you want to feel full before you eat, you can ______.
A. eat some fruit or vegetables
B. drink a large glass of water
C. eat some chocolate or hard candies
D. drink some coffee or clear soup
[单项选择]—Did you eat yet —______.
[单项选择]Please take what you like, you ________ eat too much.
A. may not
B. would not
C. must not
D. can not
[单项选择]Wash your hands ______ you eat something.
[单项选择]What should you do if you have got some polish on the skin around your fingernail
A. Watch your brush.
B. Clean up as you go.
C. Apply in minimal sweeps.
D. Start with clean nails.
[单项选择]What should you do when you need to answer a phone call during a performance
A. Call back after the performance.
B. Answer it near the exit door.
C. Talk outside the exit door.
D. Speak in a low voice.
[单项选择]What should you do if you are making changes to your house [A] Check 700 plans to build new buildings. [B] Think carefully about those living near you. [C] Give enough details to the people next door.
[单项选择]What do you think the plan
[单项选择]How often do you eat out ______ , but usually once a week.
A. Have no idea
B. It depends
C. As usual
D. Generally speaking
[单项选择]What can you infer from the passage
A. Ararat and his fellowmen would finally achieve success.
B. Ararat is a persistent leader.
C. Ararat is loved and respected by Palestinian people.
D. Ararat is the vice chairman of the PLO.
[单项选择]—How often do you eat out —______, but usually about twice a month.
A. No idea
B. As usual
C. It depends
D. Generally speaking
[单项选择]Wife: Did you eat all the muffins Husband: ______.


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