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发布时间:2023-12-17 20:11:02

[单项选择]Now that every thing is made clear, we ( )despatch next week by rail.
A. would
B. should
C. are arranging for
D. will be for

更多"Now that every thing is made clear,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The ______ last thing Peter wants now is to enter for the annual 24-day bike race.
A. very
B. most
C. extremely
D. utterly
[单项选择]The _________ last thing Peter wants now is to enter for the annual 24-day bike race.
A. very
B. most
C. extremely
D. utterly
[单项选择]We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ______.
A. face
B. reality
C. practice
D. deed
[单项选择]We've worked out the plan and now we must put it into ______ .
A. fact
B. reality
C. practice
D. deed
[单项选择]We make it clear that we want those responsible ______.
A. punished
B. punishing
C. to punish
D. being punishing
[单项选择]When a decision has finally been made, we obtain a ______ and do a full search of the place, taking away my material that might be required as evidence.
A. authority
B. entitlement
C. warrant
D. validity
[单项选择]______ all the decisions have been made, we shall start putting them into practice.
A. For now
B. Now that
C. Ever since
D. By now
[单项选择]Until now we have ______many improvements in women's employment.
A. brought out
B. brought up
C. brought forward
D. brought about
[单项选择]Nora: You're late. Now we'll miss the movie. Alex: ______ I was stuck in traffic.
[单项选择]And now we must be off ______ . It is eight already.
A. by accident
B. on average
C. by chance
D. right away
[单项选择]Now we can fly to Tokyo. There was a time ______ we had to take a boat.
A. how
B. what
C. why
D. when
[单项选择] If we leave now, we should (miss) the traffic.
A. direct
B. stop
C. mix
D. avoid
[单项选择]You must make______clear that we are not affected by these changes.
A. that
B. this
C. it
D. /
[单项选择]The Court had made clear that the Federal Government is one of ------- and enumerated powers, and thus none of them allow the government to ------- its citizens' legal rights in their own jurisdictions.
A. (A) limited … abrogate
B. (B) special … contain
C. (C) judicial … question
D. (D) essential … challenge
E. (E) expansive … rescind
[单项选择]The pursuit was ______ when it was clear that we had won the day.
A. called for
B. called forth
C. called off
D. called up
[单项选择]The officers made it clear that they were letting her go only because that she was old and not because she was above suspicion().
A. for reason
B. due to
C. because of
D. on the grounds


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