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发布时间:2023-11-19 19:05:14

[单项选择]Jane said that she couldn’t tolerate the long hours.
A. stand
B. spend
C. take
D. last

更多"Jane said that she couldn’t tolerat"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Jane said that she couldn't tolerate the long hours.
A. spend
B. take
C. last
D. stand
[单项选择]Jane said that she couldn't tolerate the long hours
A. spend
B. stand
C. take
D. last
[单项选择] Jane said that she couldn’t {{U}} tolerate{{/U}} the long hours.
A. spend
B. stand
C. take
D. last
[单项选择]Jane said that she couldn’t {{U}}tolerate{{/U}} the long hours.
A. spend
B. take
C. last
D. stand
[单项选择]Jane said that she couldn’t{{U}} tolerate{{/U}} the long hours.
A. spend
B. take
C. last
D. stand
[单项选择]Jane said she (heard) someone (in) the classroom, (but) when we looked we didn't find someone.
A. heard
B. in
C. but
D. someone
[单项选择]Jane is restless; she is _____ an important phone call from her parents.
A. waiting
B. expecting
C. hoping
D. wishing
[单项选择]Mary earns ______ as Jane does, but she spends less money on cosmetics than Jane.( )
A. twice so much
B. twice as much
C. as much twice
D. so much twice
[单项选择]She bore the pain as long as she could.
A. 她忍受这种痛苦已经很长时间了。
B. 她尽可能忍受着这种疼痛。
C. 她记住了这种久久缠绕她的痛苦。
D. 她尽可能忍受这种心灵上的痛苦。
[单项选择]Jenny said that she was sorry she had got no knife ______.
A. to cut
B. to cut it
C. cutting
D. to cut it with
[单项选择]Lisa said that she married him because she was completely________by his manners.
A. held in
B. brought in
C. lain in
D. taken in
[单项选择]She said that she ______ much progress since she came here.
A. makes
B. have made
C. had made
D. made
[单项选择]She said that she Would leave her husband for a while, long enough for him to miss her, and for herself to come to______ with her new discovery.
A. agreements
B. touch
C. terms
D. grips
[单项选择]Jane has said little so far, responding only briefly when______.
A. spoken
B. speaking to
C. speaking
D. spoken to
[单项选择]She said that she would be here at seven o'clock. But she didn't ___________ until eight thirty.
A. turn on
B. turn up
C. turn out
D. turn down


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