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发布时间:2023-10-29 02:26:08

[单项选择]Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door,___________ to find it locked.
A. just
B. only
C. hence
D. thus

更多"Greatly agitated, I rushed to the a"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, ______ to find it locked.
A. just
B. only
C. hence
D. thus
[单项选择]I greatly regret that I'm unable to attend the important sales meeting next Monday.
A. 我很后悔我没能专注于下周一那个重要的拍卖会。
B. 我很遗憾我不能出席下周一那个重要的拍卖会。
C. 我很后悔我不能参加下周的那个销售会议。
D. 很遗憾我不能出席下周一那个重要的销售会议。
[单项选择]Nanjing has changed so greatly that I think it is ______ a second time.
A. worth visiting
B. worthy visiting
C. worth being visited
D. worthy of visiting
[单项选择]I greatly appreciate()the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.
A. giving
B. have been given
C. give
D. having been given
[单项选择]I greatly appreciate () the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.
A. giving
B. have been given
C. give
D. having been given
[单项选择]My colleagues and I were greatly puzzled by our repeated failures in the experiment.
A. distressed
B. discontented
C. annoyed
D. perplexed
[单项选择]I couldn't () my brother that I was telling the truth.
A. convince
B. persuade
C. ensure
D. admit
[单项选择]I feel greatly ______ by your invitation to address the meeting.
A. flattered
B. fluttered
C. clattered
D. scattered
[单项选择]I find the quality of your products greatly ______.
A. improve
B. to improve
C. improved
D. improving
[单项选择]I don't understand why such a good man has been treated with such scorn and ________.
A. difference
B. inference
C. indifference
D. reference
[单项选择]I don't understand why such a good man bas been treated with such scorn and ______.
A. difference
B. indifference
C. inference
D. reference
[单项选择]The man seems angry and I think he means ______ trouble.
A. to make
B. making
C. to have made
D. having made
[单项选择]I really appreciate ______ me to get out of the troubles that I ran into recently but found it hard to handle.
A. your help
B. you helping
C. that you help
D. you to help
[单项选择]I remember______ to help us if we ever got into trouble. A) once offering B ) him once offering C) him to offer D) to offer him
[单项选择]I asked the tailor to make a small ______ to my trousers because they were too long.
A. change
B. variation
C. revision
D. alteration
[单项选择]Would you mind ________ quiet for a moment, I’m trying ________ my composition in time.
A. keeping; finishing
B. to keep; to finish
C. keeping; to finish
D. to keep; finishing


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