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发布时间:2023-09-27 18:12:09

[单项选择]The Mayan calendar far more accurate than the European calendars of the time most probably because ______.
A. the Mayan numbers enabled the Mayan priests to study planets
B. the European countries had no interest in founding a calendar
C. the European calendars of the time probably were made by a guess work
D. the year was divided into 18 months of 20 days each with five days left over

更多"The Mayan calendar far more accurat"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the course of a day, students do far more than just ________ classes.
A. to attend
B. attend
C. attending
D. attended
[单项选择]His joke went too far. It was more than I could______.
A. get rid of
B. put up with
C. keep up with
D. do away with
[单项选择]In a term students do far more than just ______ classes.
A. attend
B. attended
C. attending
D. to attend
[单项选择]His photographs of slums ___________ far more than words.
A. confronted
B. conveyed
C. displayed
D. contradicted
[单项选择]Television advertisements do more than merely reflect dominant ideologies.
A. exactly
B. faithfully
C. repeatedly
D. simply
[单项选择]The Smithsonian Institution preserves more than sixty-five million items of scientific, historical, or artistic interest, _________ winning the popular title, "attic of the nation".
A. however
B. thus
C. and
D. moreover
[单项选择]Communicating orally involves more than reading or talking: gesture, posture, movements may all be ______ to it.
A. intrinsic
B. coherent
C. appealing
D. submissive
[单项选择]Victoria likes competitions more than anything else.
[单项选择]Communication orally involves more than reading or talking: gesture, posture, movements may all be ______ to it.
A. intrinsic
B. coherent
C. appealing
D. submissive
[单项选择]A) instead of C) more than
B) rather than D) far from

A. instead of
B. rather than
C. more than
D. far from
[单项选择]More than one million Americans participated in the six-year study.
[单项选择]More than three nature reserves have been established in this area _____ hunting is forbidden.
A. that
B. since
C. where
D. if
[单项选择]Changing fashions arc nothing more than the intentional creation of waste.
A. 不断变换的时尚潮流只不过是在刻意地制造浪费。
B. 变化的时尚潮流不仅仅是在有意创造浪费。
C. 变化的时尚潮流更多地是在国际上鼓励浪费。
D. 不断变换的时尚潮流更多地是在有意制造浪费。
[单项选择]Accidents and exhaustion may force more than half the cyclists to drop out before reaching the ______.
A. dead line
B. end line
C. finish line
D. finishing line
[单项选择]Gathering of more than three persons were prohibited, supposedly in the name of______.
A. the law and the order
B. law and order
C. the order and the law
D. order and law
[单项选择]Expected noises are usually more than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.
A. vulnerable
B. controllable
C. cozy
D. tolerable


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