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发布时间:2023-11-16 18:32:44

[单项选择]He is reliable and never goes back on his word.
A. 他是可信赖的,从来不回到他过去所说的话上。
B. 他是可信赖的,从来说一不二。
C. 他是可靠的,从来不后悔他的话。
D. 他是可靠的,从来不食言。

更多"He is reliable and never goes back "的相关试题:

[单项选择]He comes back to his hometown to see his parents at regular _________.
A. gaps
B. pauses
C. intervals
D. spans
[单项选择]When he came back after graduation, he found his hometown completely ______.
A. changed
B. changing
C. to change
D. to be changed
[单项选择]When the little son came back to his fatherA. he had the other pair of shoes in his handsB. he had only one shoe in his handsC. he had nothing in his hands
[单项选择]Whenever his neighbors need a help, he always goes ________ his way to give them a hand.
A. over
B. out of
C. off
D. in for
[单项选择]A person who goes to sleep on his back might be______.
A. a careful person
B. a shy person
C. a stubborn person
D. a confident person
[单项选择]He usually goes to work on his bike ______ raining days.
A. except on
B. except in
C. except
D. except for
[单项选择]He _____ his homework when his mother came back yesterday evening.
A. was doing
B. is doing
C. did
D. does
[单项选择]When did the Vice President begin to suffer his heart attack

A. Last year.
B. 1978.
C. This week.
D. Not mentioned in this report.
[单项选择]What will the saver do if he needs his money back
A. He goes to the company with whom he originally placed it.
B. He sells his shares through a stock-broker to some other saver.
C. He invests his money in another company.
D. He has no way to get his money back.
[单项选择]He has come back safely( )of his friends.
A. to the much delight
B. to much the delight
C. to much delight
D. much to the delight
[单项选择]He ______back and he left a note for you.
A. came
B. has been
C. will be
D. is being
[单项选择]The secret agent kept looking back because he was afraid of ______.
A. followed
B. being followed
C. having followed
D. having been followed
[单项选择]When he was back in the city, many of his friends didn't believe he had bought the farm.
[单项选择]When he lost his jobs he tried to ______ his fortunes by robbing a bank.
A. revive
B. retrieve
C. rectify
D. recycle
[单项选择]Spitzer goes in for his investigations in a routine that begins with______.
A. an agreement
B. a trial
C. a media storm
D. a press conference
[单项选择]______ he goes, he'll meet someone begging for money.
A. No matter wherever
B. Wherever
C. Where
D. Somewhere


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