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发布时间:2023-11-05 22:41:30

[单项选择]We've, under extremely difficult conditions, done very well, ______.
A. to consider all things
B. considering all things
C. all things were considered
D. all things considered

更多"We've, under extremely difficult co"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We've, under extremely difficult conditions, done very well, ______.
A. to consider all things
B. considering all things
C. all things were considered
D. all things considered
[单项选择]We've done once but failed. We'll have to do it ______ time.
A. a second
B. the second
C. the twice
D. twice
[单项选择]As it is a difficult task,we have to discuss it beforehand.
A. 由于这工作涉及到上山,我们应该先商量。
B. 因为这件事办起来很困难,所以我们得事先讨论一下。
C. 既然这件工作就是爬山,我们先干然后讨论。
D. 当办这件事很费力时,我们就得先讨论如何办。
[单项选择]When ______ difficult problems, we should often take an optimistic attitude.
A. faced
B. being faced
C. facing
D. having faced
[单项选择]_____ we’ve done what you want, there is no reason for you to complain any more.
A. Now that
B. Because
C. In case
D. For fear that
[单项选择]______ we've done what you want, there is no reason for you to complain any more.
A. Now that
B. Because
C. In case
D. For fear that
[单项选择]--You've done this before, right --No, but if we follow the directions, we ______ have any trouble.
[单项选择]We have done all we could and now our cherished project is at the mercy of our new CEO.
A. under the guidance of
B. in the power of
C. on the verge of
D. on the agenda of
[单项选择]This difficult problem we face in the project has to be tackled before we can ______ to others.
A. pursue
B. advocate
C. precede
D. proceed

We have been told that under no circumstances we may use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.()

A. may we use
B. we should use
C. did we use
D. we could use
[单项选择]The most difficult problem we faced with is to reduce China's population to less than 1 billion within 20 years.
A. 现在摆在我们面前最艰巨的问题就是在20年里把中国人口降低到10亿。
B. 我们所面临的最艰难的问题是在20年里使中国的人口减少10亿。
C. 我们所面临的最艰难的问题是在20年里把中国人口降低到10亿以下。
D. 最艰巨的问题摆在我们面前就是在20年里把中国人口减少10亿。
[单项选择]Under no circumstances we shall stop the research we've begun.
[单项选择]We've worked out the plan and now we must put it into ______ .
A. fact
B. reality
C. practice
D. deed
[单项选择]We've produced () cotton this year as we did in 2002.
A. as much twice
B. much as twice
C. as twice much
D. twice as much
[单项选择]We've bought a new house. We'll move in soon and we need to buy __ furniture.
A. some other
B. another
C. other
D. others
[单项选择]We've got two TV sets, but we still can't watch anything because _______works properly.
A. each
B. either
C. neither
D. every


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