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发布时间:2023-10-01 10:12:51

[单项选择]--Which office is Johnson in --Johnson Black I've heard of ______ person here.
A. no such.
B. such no.
C. not such.
D. no this.

更多"--Which office is Johnson in --John"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—Which office is Johnson in —Johnson Black I've heard of______ person here.
A. no such
B. such no
C. not such
D. no this
[单项选择]--Which office is Johnson in
--Johnson Black I've heard of ______ person here.

A. no such.
B. such no.
C. not such.
D. no this.
[单项选择]--Which office is Johnson in --Johnson Black' I've heard of ______ person here.
A. no such
B. such no
C. not such
D. no this
[单项选择]The new type of advertisement which is appearing in newspaper columns______.
A. informs job hunters of the opportunities available
B. promises useful advice to those looking for employment
C. divides available jobs into various types
D. informs employers that people are available for work
[单项选择]Which BGP option i s required when load sharing over multiple equal - bandwidth parallel links from a single CE router to a single ISP router over eBGP?()
A. eBGP Multipath
B. eBGP Multihop
C. BGP Synchronization
D. Public AS numbers
[单项选择]Tom: Which tie shall I wear for the interview Do you think my blue silk one would look all right   Jane: ________ I’d wear something with a small pattern   —squares or spots, something like that.   Tom: ________ I think I’ll wear the plain one.
A. Yes, that’s all right.; I agree with you.
B. No, I don’t think so.; That’s a good idea.
C. A bit boring!; Oh, sorry, I don’t know.
D. Good choice!; Thank you for your advice.
[单项选择]Which of the following statement about the black music is TRUE
A. Ragtime was the peak of the new American music called jazz.
B. Before ragtime American blacks had their own music tradition which had developed in public for more than 250 years.
C. Ragtime is a special effect of a double rhythm.
D. There was nothing new in the ragtime style.


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