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发布时间:2023-11-17 14:00:24

[单项选择]—Which office is Johnson in —Johnson Black I've heard of______ person here.
A. no such
B. such no
C. not such
D. no this

更多"—Which office is Johnson in —Johnso"的相关试题:

[单项选择]--Which office is Johnson in --Johnson Black I've heard of ______ person here.
A. no such.
B. such no.
C. not such.
D. no this.
[单项选择]--Which office is Johnson in --Johnson Black' I've heard of ______ person here.
A. no such
B. such no
C. not such
D. no this
[单项选择]By going in person to the office which ( ) the forms, she was able to get what she wanted.
A. controlled
B. offered
C. disseminated
D. issued
[单项选择]By going in person to the office which ______ the forms, she was able to get what she wanted.
A. controlled
B. offered
C. disseminated
D. issued
[单项选择]Which of the following statement about the black music is TRUE
A. Ragtime was the peak of the new American music called jazz.
B. Before ragtime American blacks had their own music tradition which had developed in public for more than 250 years.
C. Ragtime is a special effect of a double rhythm.
D. There was nothing new in the ragtime style.
[单项选择]As for the situation of the black actor, which of the following is true
A. Only one black actor has ever been nominated for the Academy Awards.
B. Only three black actors have ever won the best director title.
C. Only 16 black actors have ever been nominated for best actor.
D. The black actors experience more unfair treatment.
[单项选择]We've got to report ( ) to the head office.
A. on
B. in
C. back
D. /
[单项选择]ASAP, which is often heard in business office, means _______.
A. the work must be finished by close of business
B. the work must be finished by the end of the workday
C. the work must be finished as soon as possible
D. the work must be finished at once
[单项选择]On which day will be the teacher in his office all day

A. Monday.
B. Tuesday.
C. Wednesday.
D. Thursday.
[单项选择]"Which coat did your husband buy ""The black one, but I ______ the green one."
A. would rather have bought
B. would rather buy
C. would have rather bought
D. rather had bought
[单项选择]"Which do you want, the red one or the black one "" ______. How about showing me another "
A. Either
B. Both
C. Neither
D. None
[单项选择]Mr. Black didn't come to office yesterday. He ______ ill.
A. can be
B. must be
C. must have been
D. would be
[单项选择]When did Johnson die

[单项选择]Where was Johnson born

A. New York.
B. France.
C. India.
D. England.
A. 肝细胞对胆红素排泄障碍
B. 肝细胞对胆红素结合缺陷
C. 胆道阻塞
D. 红细胞破坏过多
E. 肝细胞对胆红素转运缺陷


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