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发布时间:2023-09-29 13:37:06

[单项选择]My classmates stood there looking uneasily at me, puzzling why I hadn't got annoyed this time when I couldn't get my own ______.
A. way
B. wish
C. will
D. desire

更多"My classmates stood there looking u"的相关试题:

[单项选择]My classmate asked me
[单项选择]my friend told me that( )
A. the English language is difficult
B. English is difficult
C. the English is difficult
D. what English is difficult
[单项选择]One of my foreign friends is looking forward to ______ my country.
A. visit
B. visiting
C. having visited
D. be visiting
[单项选择]My parents, my aunt and my uncle ()gave me a present on my birthday.
A. each
B. every
C. either
[单项选择]My parents, my aunt and my uncle ()sent me a gift on New Year's Day.
A. each
B. every
C. either
[单项选择]My sister often helps me ______ my homework.
[单项选择]My mother bought me a new pair of pants on my birthday ______ she had promised.
A. which
B. what
C. with
D. as
[单项选择]My parents always let me have my own ______ of living.
A. way
B. method
C. manner
D. fashion
[单项选择]My teacher speaks to me ______she were my mother.
A. even though
B. if
C. even if
D. as if
[单项选择]My children are looking forward to______a trip to Beijing next week.
A. make
B. be making
C. making
D. have made
[单项选择]Yesterday my doctor gave me some tablets. There were five in the box. He told me to take one every half hour. How long did they last
A. They lasted one and a half hours.
B. They lasted 3 hours
C. They lasted 2 hours.
D. They lasted 4 hours.
[单项选择]Let me reiterate my point.
A. repeat
B. revise
C. review
D. report
[单项选择]My sister has been ______ at me again about my lack of neatness.
A. teaching
B. scolding
C. evangelizing
D. preaching
[单项选择]My friend told me that ().
A. the English language is difficult
B. English is difficult
C. the English is difficult
D. what English is difficult
[单项选择]My brother brought me a few reference books, but ______ of them was of any use for my report.
A. neither
B. none
C. either
D. all
[单项选择]My children are looking forward to()a trip to Beijing next week.
A. make
B. be making
C. making
D. have made
[单项选择]My parents gave me a ______ watch for my birthday.
A. gold French modem
B. modem French gold
C. French gold modem
D. French modem gold


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