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发布时间:2024-02-09 03:33:50

[单项选择]Walter Scott was famous for his______.
A. Pride and Prejudice
B. Sense and Sensibility
C. Emma
D. The Lady of the Lake

更多"Walter Scott was famous for his____"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A man named Walter Scott had the first "diner" in 1872. Why is diner in quotation marks (引号)
A. Because it is spelled differently from "dinner".
B. Because the first diner was not a real diner.
C. Because the first diner was a real diner.
D. Because it is a special kind of restaurant.
[单项选择]Walter Scott is the first major______, exerting a powerful literary influence both in Britain and on the Continent throughout the 19th century.
A. historical novelist
B. critical realistic novelist
C. stream-of-consciousness writer
D. national poet
[单项选择]Francis Scott Fitzgerald was famous for ______.
A. The Great Gatsby
B. The Sound and the Fury
C. A Farewell to Arms
D. The Grapes of Wrath
[单项选择]Your correspondence and relations with Walter are known to me; ______ connected with the disappearance of Mr. Barlow.
A. so are the circumstances
B. as well as the circumstances
C. the circumstances are as well
D. as well are the circumstances
[单项选择]Swift invented famous ______ in his world famous Gulliver’s Travels.
A. Lilliput
B. Brobdingag
C. Celestial city
D. Morality Pool
[单项选择]Swift invented famous ______in his world famous Gulliver' s Travels.
A. Lilliput
B. Brobdingag
C. Celestial city
D. Morality Pool
[单项选择]According to Walter Lippmann, a university should ______.
A. be interested in partisanship and special interest
B. be independent of the government financially
C. be independent of any political control or private interests
D. be sources of judgment for our politicians
[单项选择]Harriet Walter decided to write her book because she
[单项选择]What is Valencia famous for
A. Its seaport
B. Its university
C. Its churches and museums
D. Its parks and gardens
[单项选择]According to the passage, Ann and Walter Taylor ______.
A. moved from city apartment to the suburb
B. remained in the downtown area
C. moved out of New York
D. bought an old townhouse in the suburb
[单项选择]Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work ______, we refused the offer.
A. not finishing
B. had not been finished
C. not having finished
D. not being finished
[单项选择]What is Renault most famous for
A. Startlingly different cars.
B. Family cars.
C. Advances in design.
D. Boat and train design.
[单项选择]What is Ryoanji Temple famous for
A. Its trees.
B. Its stone walls.
C. Its rock garden.
D. Its elegant exit.
[单项选择]What is the restaurant famous for

A. Pizzas and pasta.
B. Coffee.
C. Salad.
D. Dessert.
[单项选择]Which two speeches made Emerson famous
A. Nature and Essays.
B. Representative Men and English Traits.
C. Nature and English Traits.
D. The American Scholar and The Divinity School Address.


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