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发布时间:2023-11-18 23:16:15

[单项选择]He often quoted "reason over passion" as maxim in ______ the longstanding division among Canada' s English- speaking majority and the French descended minority concentrated in his home province of Quebec.
A. adjusting
B. reconciling
C. conquering
D. consolidating

更多"He often quoted 'reason over passio"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He often quoted "reason over passion" as maxim in ______ the long-standing division among Canada's English-speaking majority and the French-descended minority concentrated in his home province of Quebec.
A. adjusting
B. reconciling
C. conquering
D. consolidating
[单项选择]I told him for the only reason that I thought he had the right to_______ his approval.
A. signify
B. register
C. mediate
D. inaugurate
[单项选择]She ______ a strong and positive influence over her friends.
A. draws
B. exerts
C. ensures
D. expends
[单项选择]It stands to reason that if he never prepares his lessons, be is not going to make good progress.
A. is clear and logical and
B. makes good
C. is not difficult to understand
D. is out of the question
[单项选择]For a particular reason, he wanted the information to be treated as ___________
A. assured
B. reserved
C. intimate
D. confidential

He doesn't often agree with me. He thinks different from me.()

A. different to
B. different with
C. differently from
D. differently to
[单项选择]The reason why he was late is ______ he got up too late.
A. that
B. because
C. as
D. for
[单项选择]Because he doesn't like me for no reason, he ______ me whenever we meet.
A. overlooks
B. ignores
C. neglects
D. refuses
[单项选择]Jerry ______ to go out very often until he met Lisa.
[单项选择]The reason he has been such a success ______ he never gives up.
A. is what
B. is that
C. is because
D. is
[单项选择]The reason why he was late is __________ he got up too late.
A. that
B. because
C. as
D. for
[单项选择]He lived in a ______ house, and for this reason he was easily accepted into his money-worshiping society.
A. shabby
B. ragged
C. dingy
D. decent
[单项选择]There must be ____________ reason for what he has done.
A. some
B. any
C. one
D. one useful
[单项选择]Women often are swayed to buy a product for reasons far different than those that drive men.
A. fluctuated
B. shielded
C. praised
D. fulfilled
[单项选择]The reason he gave for his absence was obviously ______ , for it was not the same excuse he told to another person.
A. generated
B. manufactured
C. fabricated
D. formulated


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