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发布时间:2024-03-30 07:57:10

[单项选择]The manager threw a party ______ the group of computer experts from the United States.
A. in honor of
B. in favor of
C. in welcome of
D. in celebration of

更多"The manager threw a party ______ th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The manager threw a party ______ the group of computer experts from the United States.
A. in honor of
B. in favor of
C. in welcome of
D. in celebration of
[单项选择]The subsequent conversation threw no light on the matter.
A. The following conversation didn’t make things clearer.
B. The following conversation made things clearer.
C. The following conversation made people understand this trick.
D. The following conversation was full of complain.
[单项选择]Consumers are not Supposed to threw used computers in the trash because______.
A. this is banned by the California government.
B. some parts may be recycled for use elsewhere
C. unscrupulous dealers will retrieve them for profit
D. they contain large amounts of harmful substances
[单项选择]The two men threw everything out of their balloon because ______.
A. the balloon went up
B. the balloon went down
C. it was cold
D. it was exciting
[单项选择]A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket ______ fire to the hotel.
A. made
B. set
C. caused
D. caught

The meat tasted so unpleasant that Jane threw it away in disgust.()

A. with pleasure
B. with strong dislike
C. in despair
D. in great disappointment
[单项选择]The boys threw stones at Mr. Flowers' notice because ______.
A. they wanted to do what they were told not to do
B. the notice was closer to the path
C. they hated to see the notice
D. the notice was in the way
[单项选择]He got angry on heating this and threw down all the dishes _________ reach.
A. under
B. beyond
C. within
D. inside
[单项选择]已知:Manager extends Employee观察:public Manager(String n,double s,int year,int month,int day) { super(n,s,year,month,day); bonus=0; }其中super是 ( )
A. Object类
B. Manager类
C. Employee类
D. Class类
[单项选择]Mr. Smith threw the new book out of the window because he didn't want it any more.
[单项选择]Mr. Turner threw the new book out of the window because he didn't want it any more.
[单项选择]( )party shall notify the other party of the ratification by their respective authorities.
A. Each
B. One
C. Either
D. A
[单项选择]( )party shall notify the other party of the ratification by their respective authorities.
A. Each
B. One
C. Either
D. A
[单项选择]He threw ______ out of the train.


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